Sunday, 3 April 2016

3 April 2016


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Sunday 3 April 2016
Morning Prayer

Psalm 114

God chooses people, establishes a nation – he is with them from the start. The seas retreat, the Jordan River gives way, mountains and hills shake – the earth recognises God’s hand. God is with them every step; even rock turns into a spring of fresh water.

1 Corinthians 15: 50 – 58 

Paul says, we will not all die; we will be transformed. We will put on an imperishable body. Sin is the thing that gives death any power and the law lets us know our sins – so we feel guilt, that sting of death. But Jesus gives us the victory over death so we can be steadfast in our faith and continue the work of the Lord since it is not in vain.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Shedding the old bark
Tawonga Gap Rd Vic L Osburn
 Gracious and glorious God you have chosen us to be your hands and voice on earth to help and to heal. Be with us when we get things wrong, and when we fear that things have gone wrong. Help us to remember that you make seas retreat, rivers give way, mountains shake and the sting of death pale. You can and do take away our guilt and enable us to start again fresh and new. Again enable us to breathe your spirit of freedom and life and with energy, continue your work  through Jesus Christ Your Son our Lord and your Holy Spirit in out hearts. Amen.

Sunday 3 April 2016
Evening Prayer

Revelation 1: 9 – 20

John tells how on Patmos as an exile for his beliefs and he hears a voice, turns and sees a vision of seven lampstands, Christ holding seven stars in his right hand and with a two-edged sword coming from his mouth. The stars are the seven angels of the churches, the lampstands are the seven churches and the sword is the word of God. John is instructed to write down what he sees now and in the vision to come.

Psalm 150

This is a great psalm of praise. Praise God in his holiness, power, mighty acts and greatness. Bring out all the musical instruments. Let everything that can breathe praise God.

Matthew 28: 1 – 15 

After the Sabbath the two Marys go to the tomb where Jesus was laid. There is an earthquake, an angel of the Lord appears and rolls the stone away. The angel is clothed in white and bright as lightning. The guards on the tomb shake and are immobilised. The angel tells the women that Jesus has been raised and to look in the tomb. The angel also tells them to tell the disciples to go to Galilee where they will see Jesus. The women leave to tell the disciples and they meet Jesus who greets them and also tells them to tell the disciples to go to Galilee.

While thy go the guard on the tomb report everything to the chief priests. They in turn assemble the elders and devise a plan to pay the soldiers to tell the story that the disciples came and stole the body at night while the guard slept and that, they thought would satisfy the governor if he hears and would keep the guards out of trouble. This then becomes the “official story”.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Snow on Mt Buffalo
Victoria L Osburn
Holy God your glory and majesty grace are beyond our measure and understanding. Help us listen to our Lord and go where he sends us – to our Galilee – so that our actions match the hope in our hearts through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen.

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Just the prayers Instagram #morningeveningprayers

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