Friday, 1 April 2016

2 April 2016


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Saturday 2 April 2016
Morning Prayer   

Psalm 136: 1 – 12

This is a great song of praise to the God of gods, who produced such wonders as the heavens, the earth, the water, the sun, moon and stars. The psalm praises our God who rescued Israel from Egypt and divided the sea so they were safe.

Give thanks to the Lord for his steadfast and enduring love.

Isaiah 65: 17 – 25

God will create a new world where the strife of the past is forgotten. People will be glad, Jerusalem restored, weeping shall cease and distress will be no more. Infants will be born well and live full lives. Living to 100 will be young. People will own their houses, lands and produce. They will not be oppressed or have children who die in wars or disasters. The people’s prayers will be answered. Even the wild creatures will be safe with domestic ones.

Mark 16: 9 – 20

This is a summary of Jesus’s actions after the resurrection. First he appears to Mary Magdalene who reports to the disciples and is not believed, then to two people walking in the country who also reported and they are not believed. He appears to the disciples and expresses his concerns that they have so little faith and are so stubborn. They are commissioned to go into the world and told that those who believe will be given gifts of languages, healing etc. Then he is taken up into heaven to sit at the right hand of God. The disciples go out and began to spread the good news assisted by Christ through the signs they show.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Desert Creek
Stephen's Creek Broken Hill NSW
E Byford
Awesome God, you have done great wonders and promise more. You gave us the whole earth and creation, Christ’s life death and resurrection for us, and your promise of a great future. You only ask us to have faith, to be open to you, to call on you and to know that as we are commissioned by you we will have gifts of the spirit to assist us. We ask you today to release us from our stubborn hearts and minds so that we may work with you to bring your plans to fruition through Jesus Christ our Lord and the power of your Holy Spirit. Amen.

Saturday 2 April 2016
Evening Prayer

Psalm 136: 13 – 26

We continue with great psalm of praise to God and his steadfast and enduring love. Our God led the people through the wilderness, brought them to the Promised Land, assisted them be able to settle and helped them against kings. God remembers us even through we are lowly, rescues and feeds us. His steadfast love endures forever.

Exodus 14: 15 – 30

God tells Moses to lift his staff, the water recedes and the people walk across. The pillar of cloud is between the people and the Egyptians. The people cross, the Egyptians follow but their wheels are bogged in the sand so their progress is slow. Once safe to the other side Moses raises his staff again and the waters return. The Israelites are protected from the Egyptian’s pursuit. The people believe in God and in Moses, God’s servant.

1 Peter 2: 18 – 25

As Christians we are charged to respect our employers even if they are harsh and unjust. This is a witness of our faith. When Christ was abused he did not return abuse. When he suffered he did not retaliate with threats. We can deal firmly and respectfully and non-violently. We are to respond, with respect.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Liberty Park
Lake Cargellico NSW
L Osburn
Almighty God you rescue and protect us from oppression and harm. Help us now to remember to hand our concerns, and the injustices of the world to you for your resolution. Help us too to act always with respect even though we are wounded and angry. Be with us this night as we tell our problems how great you are. Help us tell our problems of your steadfast and enduring love through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord and the power of your Holy Spirit. Amen.

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Just the prayers Instagram #morningeveningprayers

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