Sunday, 3 April 2016

4 April 2016


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Monday 4 April 2016
Morning Prayer

Psalm 80

This psalm is a prayer for deliverance from national enemies. It compares Israel to a vine. It asks for God’s hand to be on the one at God’s right hand, to give us life, to restore us and to save us.

Leviticus 6: 1 – 18

The first section is instruction to us all that when we have made an error or defrauded someone, as soon as we become aware, we are to return what was taken plus 20% and also make a guilt offering – a ram without blemish or its equivalent.

The second section gives instructions to the priests about animal and grain offerings and the management of the perpetual altar fire.

Matthew 28: 1 – 10

After the Sabbath the two Marys go to the tomb where Jesus was laid. There is an earthquake, an angel of the Lord appears and rolls the stone away. The angel is clothed in white and bright as lightning. The guards on the tomb shake and are immobilised. The angel tells the women that Jesus has been raised and to look in the tomb. The angel also tells them to tell the disciples to go to Galilee where they will see Jesus. The women leave to tell the disciples and they meet Jesus who greets them and also tells them to tell the disciples to go to Galilee.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Wonderful autumn changes
Harrietville Vic  L Osburn
Almighty God you want us to be in your care. You gave us your son to clear away our debts for all time. We thank you for this great gift for the whole world and us. Help us this morning to embrace that wondrous joy and praise you for this gift so that we may go out into your world with energy and a light heart to do your will and glorify your name through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord and the power of your Holy Spirit. Amen.

Monday 4 April

Evening Prayer

Psalm 81

The psalm begins with praise and thanksgiving. It moves on to remembering the gifts of God and how God saved and delivered the people. Finally there is a lament that the people’s hearts are hard, that they are not listening and until they do they will be besieged. God wants to feed us with fine things. The choice is left open.

Exodus 15: 1 – 18

This is a song of praise sung by Moses and the Israelites after their passing through the sea. They praise God’s might and steadfast love. They praise the quietness of the response from chiefs and leaders in the land they pass through on their way to Canaan. They sing, “The Lord will reign forever”.

1 Peter 3: 1 – 7

If one is married to someone who does not believe our partners are to be treated with respect and we are to be faithful, adorn ourselves with a gentle spirit and be without fears. Husbands are to honour their wives even if not believers for they too are heirs to the gift of life and prayer-time for the believer needs to be respected.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Avenel Bridge
Avenel Vic  L Osburn
Compassionate God, you came to earth and lived with us. You know the challenges of life and family. Help us to reflect on our day and on all our relationships. Did we respect others and their beliefs, honour them as inheritors of Christ’s love and calmly go about our lives of prayer and thanksgiving demonstrating your love for all? Forgive us, and by your grace enable and strengthen us to feel your love and compassion and to be refreshed to begin again through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord and the power of your Holy Spirit. Amen.

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Just the prayers: Instagram #morningeveningprayers

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