Thursday, 31 March 2016

1 April 2016


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Friday 1 April 2016
Morning Prayer

Psalm 118: 1 – 18

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his steadfast love endures forever! The remainder of the psalm tells of God’s assistance and reminds us to put our trust not in people or rulers, but God alone. There has been loss and pain but we have been sustained.

Isaiah 64

Isaiah wishes for God to come to earth, to make a great and wondrous show. Our God is the only God who does come. The people no longer call on God. Jerusalem the place where people worshipped has been destroyed. Isaiah asks God to remember that he is our maker: that we are his clay. Isaiah names God’s silence as punishment.

Mark 16: 1 – 8

When the Sabbath is over three women go to the tomb. They find the tomb open and a young man clothed in white inside who tells them not to be alarmed, that they are looking for Jesus Christ of Nazareth who had been crucified, that Christ has been raised and he shows them where Jesus had been. The young man tells them to tell Peter that Christ is going to Galilee. The women flee in terror and say nothing to anyone.

Collect for Morning Prayer

A tangle of roots
The Abbey Benedictine Community
Jamberoo NSW  L Osburn
Our God, who made us and sustains us today, we recall those time of anguish and fear when we cannot feel your closeness, when we are unable to hear you or see your hand operating in our world and in our lives. Yet you sustain us and you love us and you send messengers to us. Help us today to take time to hear you and feel your presence in our lives even though our circumstances are hard so that we, sustained and confident in your love give thanks to you through Jesus Christ our Lord and the power of your Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friday 1 April 2016
Evening Prayer

Psalm 118: 19 – 29

The psalm section brims with sweet praise to God. “This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvellous in our eyes”.

Exodus 13: 17 – 14: 14

The Israelites do not go directly to the land of the Philistines but in a roundabout way. They are led by smoke during the day and fire at night. Meanwhile Pharaoh understands the cost to Egypt of letting them go and decides to pursue them and get them to return. The Israelites see the Egyptians coming and fear for their lives. Moses tells them all they have to do is be still. The Lord will fight for them.

1 Peter 2: 11 – 17

Peter encourages the believers to conduct themselves with dignity, to obey all the laws and respect the authorities in the places they live. Even if people are afraid of them they will see that they do the right thing. We should lively freely, love the family of believers; fear God and honour whoever is the ruler. We are not to misuse our freedom and do wrong.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Reflection of the breakthrough
The Abbey Benedictine Community
Jamberoo NSW  L Osburn
Almighty and awesome God, you give us practical and realistic guidance on living our lives of faith in this real world. We thank you for the examples of the lives of people of faith through the centuries. When we consider your grace to us we can only marvel. Be with us this night as we reflect of your gifts of grace to us today so that we, in that stillness note your presence in our lives through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord and the power of your Holy Spirit. Amen.

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Just the prayers: Instagram #morningeveningprayers

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