Wednesday, 30 March 2016

31 March 2016


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Thursday 31 March 2016
Morning Prayer

Psalm 116

The first psalm gives thanks to God for healing from a severe illness. Now well the psalmist’s soul rests in God.
A new commitment is made to serve God.

Isaiah 62

The prophet declares that he will not cease talking about Jerusalem’s restoration. People will no longer call her forsaken or desolate as if those are her names.  She will be instead “The Lord Delights in You” or “Married”, meaning that the young men will commit to her for their life-times and God will rejoice in her. The people in Jerusalem will be free to eat and drink their own produce and to praise God – no longer oppressed. The prophet incites the people to start the preparation, to lift up the flags so people can join the rebuilding effort ahead.

John 21: 15 – 25

The disciples finish breakfast. Jesus asks Peter three times “Do you love me?” Peter affirms his love three times. Jesus says to him in this order: “Feed my lambs”, “Tend my sheep”, and “Feed my sheep”. He goes on to tell Peter how independent he was when he was younger and how vulnerable he will be later – someone else will tie a belt around him and take him where he does not want to go.

Jesus makes it clear that each person’s faith journey is his or her own. Peter has his mission others will have theirs. The section ends with briefly saying Jesus did many other things that are not recorded here.

Collect for Morning Prayer

A willy willy on the paddock
Near Kyola NSW L Osburn
Holy God, you give us examples of people who re-affirm their commitment to serve you: through praise and worship, promoting your message of restoration and, ministry to your people. These commitments are life-long, never ceasing and may be in difficult places. Inspire us today to re-commit ourselves to you and to our journey with you so that we feel part of that team of your disciples through the centuries, linked and supported by their example through Jesus Christ our Lord and the power of your Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thursday 31 March 2016
Evening Prayer

Psalm 117

This is a global call to praise God. Praise God for his steadfast love and eternal faithfulness. Praise the Lord.

Exodus 13: 1 – 16

God tells Moses that the first-born males are to be offered to him. Lambs can be sacrificed, donkeys kept and a lamb substituted for them. Humans offered to God, not sacrificed. The story of the exodus from Egypt and festival of the unleavened bread is to be kept in perpetuity.

1 Peter 2: 4 – 10

As believers God counts us all as precious. Jesus is like a stone once rejected by people but selected by the great builder to be the central block for the building of the church. We are all part of the construction of that spiritual house. We are all members of the holy priesthood proclaiming God’s great acts and mercy.

Collect for Evening Prayer

The Abbey Benedictine Community
Jamberoo NSW L Osburn
Holy God, Holy and Strong, Holy and Immortal we offer ourselves to you, to tell of your grace and mercies in and through our actions and words. Be with us now as we reflect on how much you value us, that we are precious to you. Restore us Lord this night so that we can rise with freshness ready to work in your world for the glory of your kingdom through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord and the power of your Holy Spirit. Amen.

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Just the prayers Instagram: #morningeveningprayers

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