Saturday 22 March 2014

23 March 2014


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Sunday 23 March 2014
Morning Prayer

Psalms 63: 1 – 8

When ours souls are parched and dry like a drought-ravaged land, we look to God’s power, glory and steadfast love and give praise. We bless the Lord and call on God’s name. Then or souls are satisfied like a feast. When we rest and in the dark of the night, we meditate on God. For God is our help, our souls cling to him and when they do we sing for joy.

2 Corinthians 11: 1 – 9

Paul talks with the Corinthians because other false disciples have arrived and trying to turn the church from the original Jesus and the original message. He answers their charges against him, one of which is that he gave them ministry freely. He agrees he used money from Philippi and from his friends in Macedonia to support his ministry in Corinth.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Budding flowers Jan and Graham's Garden
Armadale WA 2014 L Osburn

Loving God, you know that we will go through tough times: dark nights of the soul and attacks and challenges from others. In these times, give us the grace and courage we need to remember your power, glory and steadfast love so that our hearts and souls may be fed and freed to sing your praise, through Jesus Christ our Lord and your Holy Spirit. Amen.

Sunday 23 March 2014
Evening Prayer

Exodus 3: 9 – 17a  

God tells Moses that the cries of the oppressed people in Egypt have been heard and he asks Moses to go to Pharaoh and request that the people be freed. Moses asks what name will he use – what name will he call God. “I am who I am”. Thus, God is referred to as “I am”. God instructs Moses to also go to the Israelites elders and proclaim freedom.

Psalm 119: (33 – 40) 41 – 48

The psalmist asks for God’s steadfast love so that answering those who taunt is easier. The psalmist promises to keep the commandments, walk in God’s path, and speak God’s decrees.

Matthew 26: 57 – 75

Jesus is brought before Caiaphas and they can find no evidence against him. When asked directly is he the Messiah Jesus answers, “You have said so”, and talks of the Son of Man seated at the right hand of God coming in power. He is charged with blasphemy, spat on and ridiculed. Meanwhile outside Peter denies Jesus three times.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Ornament Dianne's Garden Mandurah WA
2014 L Osburn

Caring God, you know by direct experience what it is like to be taunted, ridiculed and denied. Be with us, stand by us and through your Holy Spirit give us the words to say or the composure we need to keep silent so that your will is done and your glory is revealed through Jesus Christ our Lord and redeemer. Amen.

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