Sunday 23 March 2014

24 March 2014


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Monday 24 March 2014
Morning Prayer

Psalms 56 and 57

The first psalm speaks of trust in God who is our salvation and who is with us when we fear the actions of other people. It ends in praise and commitment to faith.

The second psalm again is an appeal for aid against enemies who are compared to lions. The psalm shifts to praise. The psalmist wakes each morning to sing God’s praise, to uplift the soul and to ask God to exalt himself in the world: to let God’s glory shine.

Jeremiah 32: 1 – 15

King Zedekiah of Judah questions Jeremiah about his prophesies while Babylon is besieging Jerusalem. Jeremiah tells the story of prophesying a particular land sale. He bought the land and has the deeds is safekeeping for the time when Judah is free from the Babylonians.

Luke 15: 1 – 10

The Pharisees complain that Jesus eats with sinners. He tells the story of the shepherd and the lost sheep, and the woman and the lost coin. He explains the joy in heaven when a lost person is restored to faith.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Sheep Armadale WA 2014
L Osburn
Loving God, we thank you and praise you for your care for all of us. You know that sometimes there are people we fear and dangerous times we live through. You love us even when we are lost and you seek us out. Be with us this day. Seek us out when we are overwhelmed with concerns and bring us back to you so that we may sing your praises, exalt you and show others your glory through Jesus Christ our Lord and your Holy Spirit. Amen.

Monday 24 March 2014
Evening Prayer

Psalms 60 and 61

The army has failed in a battle and the people of the country are suffering. This psalm is an appeal to God to be with the army in battle. The psalm ends with “With God we shall do valiantly” (v12).

The second psalm is a prayer for protection. God is describes as a rock, a shelter, a hiding place and a great bird under whose wings we are protected.

Genesis 46: 26 – 47: 12

Joseph’s family are reunited in Egypt. Jacob acts as ambassador and tells those who are to meet Pharaoh what to say. Pharaoh makes the land grant in Goshen and asks Joseph to identify competent shepherds to look after his own flocks.

Hebrews 10: 5 – 18

The writer makes it clear that Jesus said sacrifices and burnt offerings are not what God wants. God wants us to do his will. There is a new covenant sealed by Jesus. Our sins are forgiven.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Sunrise through leaves. Armadale WA
2014 L Osburn
Loving God, you know we got through hardship and you give us abundant love and a splendid world and most of all, your Son who was the one true sacrifice for us all. We thank you and praise you. Help us this night to hear and feel your forgiveness so that we may experience your peace and wake refreshed tomorrow to do your will through Jesus Christ our saviour and your Holy Spirit in our hearts. Amen.

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