Friday 21 March 2014

22 March 2014


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Saturday 22 March 2014
Morning Prayer

Psalms 51

This is a penitential psalm. It is a prayer of intense repentance. The psalmist asks for sins to be washed away, for the heart to be made clean, and to be restored to salvation. Sacrifice is not a burnt offering but a humble and contrite heart. The psalmist promises to teach others the ways of God so that they too can offer prayer and praise.

Jeremiah 31: 27 – 40

Jeremiah revels God’s plan not only to restore the people of Israel and Judah, their animals, the city and expand its footprint. but also to introduce a new covenant. A covenant where: the law is written in people’s hearts, people will automatically know the Lord and, sins will be forgiven.

Luke 14: 15 – 34

Jesus tells the parable of the rich man who planned a feast and invited guest who all has pressing things to do. He then invites anyone on the street, the poor the beggars and the travellers. Those who were invited missed out. Jesus challenges people to put the health of their souls before family and other commitments and to be prepared to carry a heavy burden - to work at their soul’s health. He challenges then to think and plan the cost of discipleship.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Black swans and a duck Mandurah Estuary
WA 2014 L Osburn
Forgiving God, we praise you and thank you for all your gifts and for your loving kindness to us. Make in us new and contrite hearts. Help us to make choices today to take time with you so that your love can be written on our hearts and that we can show by our actions the out-working of your loving kindness to all through Jesus Christ our Lord and your Holy Spirit. Amen.

Saturday 22 March 2014
Evening Prayer

Psalms 52 and 53

This psalm is directly to and about an evil person – someone who plots and boasts about the mischief caused. It is a person who deceives and who does not take refuge in God. The psalmist warns that God will respond and the evil one will be humiliated.

The second psalm is about those who do not believe and who do evil. God’s response to them will be terrifying. The psalmist prays for the people of Israel to be delivered and for their fortunes to be restored.

Genesis 45: 16 – 46: 7

Jacob tells Pharaoh the news and is instructed to give the whole family better land and more goods so that they do not have to bring much from home. When the sons return to Jacob and tell him that Joseph is alive he begins his journey to Egypt. He stops and worships at Beersheba where God talks to him in a dream. His family will prosper, God will be with them while they are in Egypt, God will be with his people when they come home to Canaan and when he dies Joseph will be there to close his eyes.

Hebrews 9: 23 – 10: 4

Christ’s sacrifice was not in an earthly temple but in heaven itself. His is the only necessary sacrifice for the sins of all. Unlike other sacrifices Christ’s erases all memory of sin.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Children Playing Bussleton WA
2014 L Osburn
Abundantly generous God, when we contemplate your great generosity we can only jump for joy, laugh and sing. Our hearts can only be filled with light and love. We thank you and praise you that evil has no hold on those who love and trust you. Keep us with you Lord all the days of our lives so that we can confidently run towards your loving arms when our time on earth is over through Jesus Christ and your Holy Spirit. Amen.

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