Thursday, 24 March 2016

25 March 2016


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Friday 25 March 2016
Good Friday
Morning Prayer

Psalm 40

The psalmist has received God’s grace and salvation in the past and praises God. He has given himself as a sacrifice of listening attention and praise to God. Now there is a new set of circumstances and enemies assail him. Again the psalmist asks for deliverance and waits patiently on the Lord.

Genesis 22: 1 – 18

Abraham takes his only loved son to be sacrificed to the Lord. An angel stays his hand. God instead provides a ram for the sacrifice. Abraham has shown that God is his highest priority and his obedience.

Mark 15: 21 – 41

On the way to Golgotha Simon of Cyrene is compelled by the guards to carry Jesus’ cross. Jesus is crucified and his clothes taken. He is mocked by priests, passers by and even a thief who is crucified beside him. At mid-day the land is covered in darkness and three hours later Jesus cries out to God. He is given vinegar, cries out once more and dies.
The curtain in the temple that shields the holy place of God’s presence is torn in two.
A centurion states, this is God’s Son. The women are there, at a safe distance watching, some of the many women who came up with Jesus from Galilee.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Jesus before Pilate
New Norcia Benedictine Community
WA  L Osburn
 Father God you know first hand the grief of a parent and what it is like to watch your child suffer and die. Be with us today as we appreciate your great gift to us, your great love for us that while we were still sinners Jesus died for us and for our salvation. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Friday 25 March 2016
Evening Prayer

Psalm 142

This psalm is attributed to King David when he was hiding in a cave in fear for his life. David cries to the Lord and tells God his situation and that there are traps in his road ahead. His persecutors are too strong for him. David asks to be rescued so that he can praise God and so that godly people will surround him.

Lamentations 5: 15 – 22

Our joy is gone, our dancing stops, we are without power, we have sinned, our hearts are broken, our eyes dim and there are scavengers in places that were once precious to us. Is our sin beyond redemption? We are separated from God and long to be restored.

Hebrews 9: 11 – 26

Why is the sacrifice of Christ is beyond compare? The sacrifice is a person not an animal. Christ is priest and victim. The offering is made once and for everyone. It is voluntary, accomplished by the eternal spirit and will be effective for all time. And when Christ returns, it won’t be to deal with sin but to bring to Him those who wait for Him.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Venezuelan Cross
New Norcia Benedictine Community
WA  L Osburn
Almighty God of everything seen and unseen, you know us entirely. You have put in place an indelible path for us so that we are never separated from you. This relationship with us has been secured through the death of Jesus. You don’t ask us for sacrifice, just to be here and be open to you. Be with us this and every day and help us to keep our side of the relationship open through Jesus Christ, the crucified one, your Son our Lord and the power of your Holy Spirit. Amen.

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Just the prayers #morningeveningprayers

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