24 March 2016
Prayers developed from the daily readings
Thursday 24 March 2016
Maundy Thursday
Morning Prayer
psalm again is someone asking for God’s aid when assailed by enemies, but this
time the enemies are people who were good friends, companions, colleagues, with
whom the psalmist worshipped: the people most trusted. The deep pain of this
betrayal is made clear. The psalmist however angry and hurt will lay this
burden on the Lord who will sustain. The psalmist will stay calm and trust in
16: 2 – 24
is a description of the early priestly rituals for atoning for personal sins
and community sins through sacrifice and the laying of the community’s sins on
a goat that was then freed into the wilderness – to escape. No one is allowed
into the holy part of the temple without the incense to hide the presence of
God. Only the priest is allowed in to this holy space behind the curtain.
14: 1 – 11
is in Jerusalem. The Passover festival is coming. The chief priests and elders
conspire to arrest and kill him gains momentum. The conspirators want to avoid
a riot. Whatever happens cannot be at Passover.
story shifts to Bethany at Simon the leper’s house. A woman pours expensive
ointment from an alabaster jar over Jesus’s head. Jesus accepts this gift as
preparation for his burial. There were others who complain about the waste and
that the ointment should be sold instead to feed the poor.
goes to the chief priests and offers to betray Jesus. The priests are pleased,
offer him money and Judas begins to plan opportunities for the betrayal.
Collect for Morning Prayer
Fallen tree Harrietville Vic L Osburn |
Eternal God you have given us your
scriptures. Through them you teach us the significance of events and to know
who Jesus is. We are in awe that texts written thousands of years earlier point
us to knowing and understanding Christ and his sacrifice for us. Be with us
today as we consider the betrayal, and as we sit with that pain and sorrow of
broken relationships so that we can fully appreciate Christ’s love and concern
for us that sustained him through his passion through Jesus Christ our Lord and
the working of your Holy Spirit in our hearts. Amen.
Thursday 24 March 2016
Evening Prayer
is a great song of praise and almost written in “rap form”. Speak of any of the gifts and marvels of God
then add, “… for his steadfast love endures forever”.
psalm chronicles all the reasons why we should praise the Lord for his
steadfast and enduring love.
24: 1 – 11
is a description of the ratification of the first covenant between God and the
children of Israel as mediated by Moses. A great vision of a sapphire pavement
for God’s throne room is presented.
2: 8 – 15
writes warning us not to get caught up in philosophy and argument but to
understand that the whole fullness of God is in Christ. And we therefore are
raised with Christ through faith in the power of God. God has made us alive
again, no longer dead in sin – our records have been wiped clean.
Collect for Evening Prayer
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Crucifix New Norcia Benedictine Community WA L Osburn |
God of glory, God of wonder, and God
of grace we praise you and thank you for your promises to us: life giving, free
and eternal. May we this night, focus on your sublime gift to us so that we
rise in the morning refreshed praising your glorious name and ready to live and
work to your praise and glory through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord and the
power of your Holy Spirit. Amen.
And from Lent Madness by Forward Movement http://www.lentmadness.org/2016/03/for-the-golden-halo-julian-of-norwich-vs-dietrich-bonhoeffer/#more-6562
“It appears to me
that there is a deed that the Holy Trinity shall do on the last day…and how it shall be done is unknown to all
creatures under Christ…This is the
great deed ordained by our Lord God from eternity, treasured up and hidden in
his blessed breast…and by this deed
he shall make all things well.”
― Julian of
“There is no way to peace
along the way of safety. For peace must be dared, it is itself the great
venture and can never be safe. Peace is the opposite of security. To demand
guarantees is to want to protect oneself. Peace means giving oneself completely
to God’s commandment, wanting no security, but in faith and obedience laying
the destiny of the nations in the hand of Almighty God, not trying to direct it
for selfish purposes.”
― Dietrich Bonhoeffer
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