Sunday 26 June 2016

27 June 2016


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Monday 27 June 2016
Morning Prayer

Psalm 140

This psalm is an appeal to be delivered from personal enemies – from violent people and those who stir things up, those who speak ill, are arrogant and make evil plots. The psalmist is confident in God’s care.

2 Chronicles 16

Asa is in his 36th year of his reign over Judah when the king of Israel begins to build a fortress at Ramah to stop people entering or exiting Judah. Asa makes an alliance with the king of Syria who attacks the cities of Israel from behind. The building stops and Asa and his people take the building materials and use them to fortify their own cities.

The seer Hanani comes to the king and rebukes him for relying on his own political strategy and not on God. Hanani prophesies that the kingdom will now have wars. Asa puts Hanani in stocks and imprisons him.

Asa becomes ill and consults physicians and not God. He dies in his 41st year of reign.

Acts 14: 1 – 7

In Iconium Paul and Barnabas again preach at the synagogue and many people become believers including Gentiles. The unbelievers stir up both the Jews and the Gentiles so that the city becomes divided: Jews versus Apostles. Those opposed to the apostles, both Jews and Gentiles plan to stone Paul and Barnabas. The two hear and escape to Lycaonia where they continue proclaiming the good news.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Bee in the heart of a gum blossom
Milawa Vic L Osburn
Wonderful and almighty God, you are the one who seeks out our hearts, knows our true level of faith in you and you provide for us with the way through troubled times. Give us wisdom this week to pray and ask for your help first in all we do so that you guide our choices and our strategies for your purpose and for your glory through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, and the power of your Holy Spirit. Amen.

Monday 27 June 2016
Evening Prayer

Psalms 141, 142

Both psalms are pleas to be delivered from personal enemies. The first includes a willingness to be justly corrected by the righteous. The psalmist asks to be assisted to not engage in retaliation of the evil so that the enemies realise the psalmist was not only correct but also gentle. In the second psalm things have not gone well for the psalmist and the pleas for deliverance demonstrate faithfulness.

Ezekiel 7: 1 – 9 (10 – 21) 22 - 27

This is Ezekiel’s prophecy of the destruction of Jerusalem and all her people by sword, pestilence and famine. Even the temple will be profaned. There is no way out. The end has already begun and it is all due to disloyalty and worshipping idols and allowing others to do so.

Titus 1

Paul gives Titus instructions on the way in which he is to build the church in Crete – his careful selection of elders and their characteristics and a bishop. He is to silence those who reject the truth, operate on myths and do not work well with the local people. People with pure hearts will see the good in others but the corrupt will think nothing is pure. Some will even profess to love God but act in ways that deny their belief – they fail to do good.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Silver City Highway
Broken Hill NSW
L Osburn
All-powerful God, you are the great one and we are right to praise you. Keep us seeking you in our lives. Keep us by your side so that we have pure hearts, see the good in others, do your will and act in ways that show your love and your compassion for all through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, and the power of your Holy Spirit in our hearts. Amen. 

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