Friday 20 May 2016

21 May 2016


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Saturday 21 May 2016
Morning Prayer

Psalm 21

This is a song of thanksgiving for the victory and establishment of the king. The psalm then talks of how tough God will be on his own enemies. The psalm ends singing praise to God.

1 Chronicles 19: 1 – 20: 3

Nahash the king of the Ammonites, dies and his son Hanun takes his place. David had an honourable relationship with Nahash and so sends messengers with his sincere sympathy to the new king. Hanun and his advisers decide the messengers are spies and humiliate them. David hears, and protects the messengers from further humiliation.

The Ammonites realising the offence they caused David, call for reinforcements and start a series of battles. Joab the commander for Israel uses effective strategies and routes the enemies. Israel eventually overtakes all the Ammonite territories and people.

Acts 3: 17 – 4: 4

Peter continues to talk to the crowds and explain that they were poorly informed when Christ was crucified. That Christ is the Messiah foretold by Moses and the prophets. The only path is to repent and to hope for the second coming. The priests, the captain of the temple and the Sadducees, annoyed that Peter and John are proclaiming the resurrection of the dead, arrest them and take them into custody. Meanwhile about five thousand people hear and believe.

Collect for Morning Prayer

In everything we do
Harrietville Vic  L Osburn
Holy and almighty God you keep us safe, love us and strengthen us even when things look grim. Be with us today in everything we encounter the joys and the challenges. Keep our hearts steadfast in the knowledge of your presence and love so that we act in accordance with your love for all through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord and the power of your Holy Spirit. Amen.

Saturday 21 May 2016
Evening Prayer

Psalm 25

In this psalm, the psalmist commits his life and actions to God. He asks for forgiveness, guidance, education and safety from distress and enemies. He requests integrity and uprightness while he waits.

Exodus 3: 1 – 15

Moses encounters God while he is tending his father-in-law’s sheep. God appears as a burning bush and instructs Moses to free the Israelites from Egypt. Moses asks God’s name, “I AM WHO I AM” (v. 14).

John 17: 17 – 26

Jesus makes the statement about the oneness of God and the Holy Spirit and himself. He asks for this knowledge and the spirit of truth to be spread throughout the world so that God may love all humanity in the same way that God loves Jesus and that Jesus may be with them as God is with them.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Rutherglen Vic L Osburn
Holy God, Father Son and Holy Spirit we worship you and give you praise and thanks. Be with us now as we reflect on all the blessings we have in our lives and the great love you pour out on all the world so that we may truly revel in the joy of your presence and love through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, and the power of your Holy Spirit. Amen.

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