Thursday 25 February 2016

26 February 2016


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Friday 26 February 2016
Morning Prayer

Psalms 137: 1 – 6 (7 – 9) and 138

The song of the exiles... “By the river of Babylon”. The psalmist feels the pain and anguish of the destruction of Jerusalem and worries about forgetting yet finding it impossible to sing.

The second psalm is a song of praise and deliverance and ends with the psalmist faithfully claiming, “the Lord will fulfil his purpose for me” (v.8).

Jeremiah 31: 15 – 26

Jeremiah acknowledges the deep grief in the land because of the exile. He also foretells the return and suggests the exiles remember the route of their journey so that they confidently know the way home. Israel will not need a strong protector; she will be her own protection.

Luke 14: 1 – 14

Jesus is at a Pharisee’s home on the Sabbath. He challenges the listeners on the rules on healing people on the Sabbath. He heals a man. He teaches on humility –presume to be one of the lesser guests. Invite those who can never repay you to your banquets: the poor, the crippled, the lame and the blind.

Collect for Morning Prayer

First signs of Autumn
Harrietville Vic  L Osburn
Compassionate God, you show us how to put the needs of others first and to serve them. You teach us how to give thanks not only with our mouths but also with our actions, through disciple, humility and generosity. We praise you and ask for your grace to prayerfully enter this day, to humbly serve and to give you thanks through Jesus Christ our Lord and your Holy Spirit in our hearts. Amen.

Friday 26 February 2016
Evening Prayer

Psalm 139

The psalmist loves, reveres and understands the majesty and ever-presence of God. He wants to distance himself from anyone and anything that is opposed to God – to actively step away. He appeals to God to examine him, test him and lead him in the right way.

Genesis 45: 1 – 15

Joseph sends his staff away and remains alone with his brothers. He then reveals who he is. He explains that his going to Egypt was God’s plan and holds nothing against them. He also tells them how long the drought will be and that they are to bring their father and the whole family to Egypt where he will provide for them during the drought. They weep and kiss and talk.

Hebrews 9: 11 – 22

The writer explains why the sacrifice of Christ is beyond compare. First it was a person not an animal, He was priest and victim. The offering was made once and for everyone. It was voluntary, accomplished by the eternal spirit and will be effective for all time.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Track to Washington Creek
Alpine National Park Vic  L Osburn

Almighty God, you know us, you know our paths and futures and you set challenges before us that build us into your story for the world. We praise you and offer our lives to your service. We ask for your continued guidance in what we say and how we act so that our lives encourage others to seek you and seek your salvation through Jesus Christ the great high priest and eternal sacrifice for all. Amen.

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