Tuesday 16 February 2016

17 February 2016


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Wednesday 17 February 2016
Morning Prayer

Psalm 106: 1 – 24

The psalmist begins praising God and marvelling at God’s faithful love and great deeds. He then charges that we like the people of the past – from the Exodus to the time of Aaron – go astray.

Jeremiah 26: 1 – 19

Jeremiah is instructed by God to go to the temple and prophesy again so that the people have an opportunity to repent, and God to change the plan. Jeremiah does so and is seized by the priests and people and brought before the officials who listen. He will not recant: he is willing to die. They take him seriously and do not put him to death.

Luke 11: 45 – 12: 7

Jesus challenges the lawyers who burden others but act as if the regulations don’t apply to them; honour prophets but participate in the processes that caused the prophets’ deaths and; by teaching one thing and doing the opposite. Those for whom “the hat fitted” try to catch Jesus out with further questions.

Large unmanageable crowds come. Jesus warns the disciples to be circumspect in their speech and put their trust in God. They are to ensure they revere God who knows and cares about every tiny bit of them.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Sometimes heavy lifting is our job
Eyre Highway, Nullarbor Plain SA  L Osburn
Almighty and ever faithful God, we praise your glory, your majesty and thank you for your care for us. Give us the strength to do your will and the courage to stand up and be counted for you, so that others may see our example and glorify you through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Wednesday 17 February 2016
Evening Prayer

Psalm 106: 25 – 50

The ancient people kept shifting allegiance and worshipping other gods. They even conducted live sacrifice of their children. Yet God delivered them, showed compassion. The psalmist asks for God to gather us in to give thanks, glory and praise to God.

Genesis 41: 1 – 36

Pharaoh dreams of the seven fat cows and seven lean cows, and of the seven fat eats of wheat and the seven lean ears of wheat. The cupbearer remembers Joseph, who interprets the dream for Pharaoh and provides the plan for a sustainable response to the impending drought.

Hebrews 4: 11 – 5: 6

God’s resting place for us is salvation. His word is sharp and active and can pierce through us and judge our intentions; we are totally transparent to God. And we have the greatest high priest, Christ who is the ultimate sacrifice for our sins.

Collect for Evening Prayer

A protective hollow inside an ancient,
giant red-tingle tree
Walpole WA  L Osburn
Dearest God, our hearts want to skip with joy, you are faithful you love us, you free us, you give us refuge, you have given us your Son. Give us the grace to say to you we entrust our lives to you so that we can learn what it is to be fully alive through Jesus Christ our great high priest. Amen.

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