Thursday 11 February 2016

12 February 2016


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Friday 12 February 2016
Morning Prayer

Psalms 99 and 100

Songs of praise to God who rules, is awesome, loves justice and fairness and will stand by us. We are to come, be joyful, sing, be thankful, know we are loved and will be loved forever.

Jeremiah 23: 23 – 40

Jeremiah reveals God’s knowledge of all things and displeasure in prophets who: tell of their dreams and use their own interpretations and claim their dreams were from God or who take other’s prophesies and dress them as their own using a phrase of the day, in this case “the burden of the Lord”.

Luke 10: 38 – 11: 4

Jesus visits the house of Martha and Mary. Martha labours and Mary listens. Jesus makes Martha aware of her worries and distractions and suggests listening is a better option. Jesus is asked and teaches the disciples the Lord’s Prayer.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Blackwood River at Sue's
Bridge WA  L Osburn
 Holy and mighty God, you have given us many gifts and wonders. Help us to listen to you, to hear you and obey you. Help us accept that sometimes our wants and desires need to take a place at the back of the queue and that’s OK because you are standing right with us and loving us. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord, redeemer and friend who showed us how to listen and to pray. Amen.

Friday 12 February 2016
Evening Prayer

Psalm 103

A beautiful psalm of praise blessing God with every part of our being and for every benefit we have been given especially God's eternal love. This is a luscious reverent, adoring psalm.

Genesis 37: 25 – 38: 11

Some of Joseph’s brothers plot to sell him to a caravan of traders. Reuben however, returns – to the pit to retrieve Joseph he is already gone. The brothers cover Joseph’s coat in goat blood and return to their father claiming the young man is dead – in reality he is alive in Egypt.

The next section deals with Judah and the circumstance surrounding the death of his two eldest sons.

Hebrews 1: 13 – 2: 9

The writer argues the case for accepting Jesus as the bringer of our salvation. We know Jesus was human and and his words, his wonders and miracles are to guide us to salvation. This is the task of the angels. So we had better pay attention and not pass up this chance for salvation. And as ancient scripture asks – who is man that God cares for us? Christ came, was made less than an angel and now sits at the right hand side of God and because of his suffering and death salvation is made available to all.

Collect for Evening Prayer

The Blackwood River
WA  L Osburn
Lord our redeemer and strength; you gave us the gift of salvation through the life and suffering and death of your Son Jesus Christ. We thank you, and praise you. Help us every day to bring our lives and ourselves to you, so that we may feel your security and be confident to spread the news of your salvation and grace to others through Jesus Christ or Lord. Amen.

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