Wednesday 10 February 2016

11 February 2016


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Thursday 11 February 2016
Morning Prayer

Psalms 95 and 96

Sing to God songs of praise for all things God has done for us. Be joyful. Make a noise. Do not harden your heart like the Israelites did when they were wandering in the wilderness.

Sing praise to the Lord! Ascribe to God the glory of creation. Let everything, the heavens, the trees, everything sing and praise God.

Jeremiah 23: 9 – 22

Jeremiah now proclaims God’s displeasure at the prophets and the priest who at the time are not listening to God, behaving badly, falsely prophesying and leading people away from God.

Luke 10: 25 – 37

Jesus uses the story of the good Samaritan to teach a lawyer who his neighbour is.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Faithful and Almighty God, you have taught us your commandments and want us to spend time with you and hear your word through scripture and prayer. Help us today to hear you and to love our neighbours, to go out of our way and consider their needs so that we by our actions proclaim your message on earth through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Seeing through a thin slice
Looking for our neighbours
Broken Hill NSW L Osburn

Thursday 11 February 2016
Evening Prayer

Psalms 97 and 98

The first psalm celebrates God using the theme of God as sovereign. God guards the lives of those who are faithful and delivers them from the wicked. Let everyone who is faithful rejoice and praise God.

The psalm is a summons to all nations and people to praise the Lord and rejoice in this name. God’s is the victory, God’s is the strength and we are God’s people. God comes to judge the earth with righteousness and equity.

Genesis 37: 1 – 24

This is the beginning of the story of Joseph, son of Jacob who is favoured by his father over the other sons, who dreams dreams, is given a special coat and whose brothers conspire to kill but instead strip him and throw him into a pit.

Hebrews 1: 1 – 12

Hebrews begins with declaring the centrality of Christ the son and his role at the beginning of all time, his place above the angels and sitting at the right hand of God.

Collect for Evening Prayer

How many gifts can you see?
Gladstone Qld  L Osburn
Loving God you so care for us you created everything and sent your son to enable us to be in relationship with you. We praise you and thank you for these gifts and for the gift of this day. As we rest this night help us to remember how much you love and care for us through Jesus Christ. Amen.

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