Saturday 5 December 2015

6 December 2015


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Sunday 6 December 2015 
Morning Prayer   

Psalm 85

This psalm reminds us all of God’s forgiveness and historical evidence of restoring people of faith. The psalmist asks for quiet to listen to God who will speak peace to the faithful and give salvation. “Steadfast love and faithfulness will meet; righteousness and peace will kiss each other” (v.10).

John 5: 30 – 37a

Jesus says that his judgements are just because he has no interest in the outcome. He is not doing anything to promote himself. Those who testify for and on behalf of Jesus are: God – and that testimony is true, John the Baptist and the God given works Jesus does.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Peaceful Pelicans
Denmark WA L Osburn
Lord Jesus in you love, faithfulness, righteousness and peace meet. All your judgements are just. When we are with you the noise and clamour of the world subsides. Speak your peace to us today so that we embrace your salvation and feel that deep, enduring and abiding connection with you all the days of our lives to the glory of God, through you and with the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Sunday 6 December 2015
Evening Prayer

Isaiah 63: 15 – 64: 4

Isaiah asks for God’s yearning and compassion to return. Isaiah asks why God allows us to have hardened hearts, not fear God and stray. Isaiah asks God to turn back since for a long time the people’s condition is like that of people who have no god.

Isaiah asks God to come down, to make the earth shake, terrify adversaries and be revealed to all. There is only one God who listens to prayer and acts.

Psalm 129

God has preserved us from all assaults in the past. The psalmist asks that those who are enemies of God not prevail and not receive blessings.

2 Peter 3: 1 – 9

Peter encourages the people to remember the words of the prophets and remember the commandments of Christ spoken through the apostles.

Peter says people will scoff about our commitment to the return of Christ and the end times. They will say the world will go on as always. They will deliberately ignore that God’s word existed before the beginning and was the creative force. The Lord’s time frame is not the same as ours and God wants us all to come to repentance. When the last day comes we won’t know – it will steal up like a thief.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Gum blossoms
Denmark WA L Osburn
Holy, generous and loving God, you have given us all we need: knowledge that you have preserved us in the past, that there is only one God and the commandments of Christ through the apostles. Help us in our struggle against your enemies  firstly to repent ourselves and to embrace your zeal and your compassion for all so that we accept people have free will and so that our prayers, thoughts, words and actions bless and preserve your faithful believers through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord and Saviour. Amen.

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