Sunday 15 November 2015

16 November 2015


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Monday 16 November 2015 
Morning Prayer

Psalm 38

The psalmist is dreadfully ill, so much so that friends stand a bit further away and people who seek harm spread rumours. The psalmist stays quiet, trusting God, praying and asking for God’s salvation.

2 Kings 19: 1 – 16

King Hezekiah also tears his clothes, covers himself in sackcloth and goes to the temple. He sends priests and senior officials also in sackcloth to the prophet Isaiah. He says it may be that God has heard the mocking words of the Assyrian and will rebuke him. Isaiah answers saying there is no need to fear. The Lord has already put a spirit in him, sent a rumour and he will return to his own land and die there.

The Assyrian official returns to find the Assyrian King in a battle since he heard the Ethiopian King is sending a force to fight him. Messengers are sent with a letter to King Hezekiah again threatening that Jerusalem cannot escape and listing all the other kingdoms the Assyrians have conquered. Hezekiah takes the letter to the temple, spreads it before God and prays. He addresses God as the creator of all.

Matthew 24: 32 – 51

Jesus reminds us that we can tell summer is coming because we see sprouts on the trees. We need to also see the signs around us that indicate Jesus’ return. Just like before the flood, people were living life and getting married right up to the day Noah entered the ark. The same will be for us: it will come suddenly and we need to be prepared.

We instead need to be like the good manager and be reliable and consistent in our tasks even when the owner is away. We are not to be lazy or partying and only clean up our lives when we know the owner is returning – the return will be unexpected and like a bad manager we will be seen to be hypocrites.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Juvenile rabbit
Harrietville Vic L Osburn
 Eternal and loving God you are here for us when we are ill or threatened. Keep our focus and trust in you and strengthen us to recognise and repent our faults and get our own lives in order so that we are always able to do your will, witness our faith and wait for your timing through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, and the power of your Holy Spirit. Amen.

Monday 16 November 2015
Evening Prayer

Psalm 39

The psalmist is mortally ill and perceives his illness to be punishment from God. He decides to be calm and quiet in the presence of people who would bring him more grief. He asks to know how much time he has left. Humans are like passing guests, aliens. The psalmist asks for a little relief so that he can smile before he dies.

Ecclesiastes 3: 10 – 22

God has given everyone things to do at the right time. God gives humans a sense of both past and future even though we can never know the whole truth of either. God wants us to happy – to enjoy ourselves and take pleasure in the work we do. What God does endures forever.

Also when we look around there is wickedness where justice and righteousness should be. God will judge in God’s time. Are humans able to be better than animals? We both end up dead – we both breathe. So, humans should enjoy their work and not worry about what will come after them.

Revelation 6: 12 – 7: 8

After the opening of the sixth seal the sun goes black, the moon turns red, the stars fall and the heavens are pealed back like a curtain. Kings and rulers and people hide in caves knowing that this is the end and fearing the wrath to come. The angels hold back the winds and the waves until the elect of the tribes of Israel and others are gathered and marked with a seal.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Add a little fun
Adamhurst Albury NSW
Fr Peter giving my mum a rickshaw ride
L Osburn
Wonderful God, too great for words, you have given us lives to live, actively doing things and enjoying what we do. Keep us loving you and so caring for each other that we can appreciate how our labours add to the richness of your world, its justice and its righteousness, so that we relinquish all cares and worries about the future, the end or the judgement to come since we already praise you and glorify your name through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, and the power of your Holy Spirit in our hearts. Amen.

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