Saturday 17 October 2015

18 October 2015


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Sunday 18 October 2015 
Morning Prayer   

Psalm 22: 23 – 32

This section of the psalm, calls for all people who respect and honour God to give praise, glorify and stand in awe! God has delivered the psalmist from deadly illness and this evidence shows that all God’s promises are secure. The Lord rules in all places and future generations will continue God’s praise.

Mark 12: 18 – 27

Some Pharisees and Herodians put to Jesus a hypothetical question about a woman whose husband dies and she is then married to his brother who also dies and this repeats through seven husbands. When she dies and is resurrected whose wife is she? Jesus says that heaven is not like that. There’s no marriage in the resurrection people are more like angels. When God says to Moses in the story of the burning bush “I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob” that is present tense – he is the God of the living not the dead. God “is” and they “are”.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Wildflower in the rough
Rutherglen Vic L Osburn
We praise you and thank you Lord for all your gifts especially delivering us from illness and wrong thinking. Help us today to show that you are our living, present God by the ways in which we care for and interact with others in the here and now, bringing your love and hope and peace through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord and the power of your Holy Spirit in our hearts. Amen.

Sunday 18 October 2015
Evening Prayer

Job 40: 1 – 14

God responds to Job saying giving him a further opportunity to find fault with God. Job chooses silence. God offers also to let Job stand in fully dignity and stature with glory and splendour and be really angry. Job can look at all those who do evil and bring them low, tread down the wicked and bind them in death. Then God will acknowledge Job.

Psalm 91: 9 – 16

This psalm is one of reassurance and comfort about the care and protection the faithful have from God, “For He will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways (v.11)”. This is a reminder of God’s loving protection and deliverance to those who call for salvation.

Hebrews 6: 19 – 7: 3

We have hope, sure and steadfast, anchoring our soul where Jesus is, in us as our great high priest in our inner temple. We hear the ancient story of Melchizedek, a priest whose birth and death are not recorded whose name means king of righteousness, king of peace. Melchizedek of Salem met Abraham and blessed him. Abraham tithed to him – so he is greater than Abraham.

Collect for Evening Prayer

In the sleet storm: a rainbow
Harrietville Vic. L Osburn
Blessed reassuring and protecting God you sent Jesus to be our great high priest and saviour and your angels to protect us. Nothing stands in our way when we hand over our lives to you. We thank you Creator, Son and Holy Spirit for your blessed assurance, righteousness and peace through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord and Saviour. Amen.

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