Thursday 6 August 2015

7 August 2015


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Friday 7 August 2015 
Morning Prayer   

Psalm 90

This is a group lament. The psalmist asks that we be satisfied in the morning with God’s steadfast love so that we may rejoice and be glad everyday.

There is a separation from God and a plea that there be as many days connected to God as there have been separation. The psalmist asks for God’s compassion on the people and that the work of human hands may prosper.

2 Samuel 16: 5 – 19

On David’s journey a man from the House of Saul, Shimei yells, curses, throws stones and dirt at David. He accuses David of being a murderer and scoundrel. People around David want him dead but David says that even his son seeks his life and he has no idea whether this man is doing God’s will. David instructs that Shimei be left alone to yell and curse.

Absalom arrives in Jerusalem. Ahithophel is with him as counsellor. Hushai, David’s friend comes in and swears allegiance to the king. Absalom asks him about his loyalty to David. Hushai’s reply satisfies Absalom.

John 12: 12 – 36a

Jesus rides into the town on a young donkey colt. This fulfils the scriptures.  People wave palm branches and shout Hosanna. The Pharisees see that the people believe in Jesus and that nothing can be done to stop it.

Some Greeks ask to talk with Jesus. Jesus tells them what is to come and through his death on the cross, the ruler of the world will be defeated, God will be glorified and people everywhere will be drawn to God.

The people cannot understand so he says to them that he is a light, it is with them a little while, they are to walk with him now, to stay in the light and they will become children of light.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Grape Vine
Curlwaa NSW
L Osburn
 Holy Lord, you know the purpose behind all the encounters we have with you and others. You know how dreadful separation from you is for those who love you. You know that people’s opinions both cursing and praise can be paths to restored power or to crucifixion. Give us grace today to remain calm and connected to you whether we encounter praise, censure or silence so that your will be done and the work of our hands that is acceptable to you may prosper through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord and the power of your Holy Spirit in our hearts. Amen.

Friday 7 August 2015
Evening Prayer

Psalm 119: 89 – 104

The psalmist expresses faith in God’s word – commitment to God and the law. The psalm also shows the effect of the scriptures on the psalmist through meditation, understanding and a guide for life.

“If your law had not been my delight, I would have perished in my misery” (v.92).

Baruch 4: 5 – 26

Jerusalem is likened to a mother who has been widowed and all her children taken away because they were disobedient. She grieves and mourns and knows this is out of her control. She advises the children to take courage, to cry to God for deliverance. Jerusalem’s hope is in God that her children will be returned as a sign of God’s glory and splendour. She advises those in exile to endure with patience and though their enemy has overtaken them, they will see the enemy’s destruction.

Romans 8: 18 – 27

We live lives that include suffering and decay. We hold out hope in release to eternal life. Hope is not hope if we see that hope delivered. Hope is hope because the thing hoped for cannot be seen. We wait patiently.

And the spirit within us intercedes with God even when we cannot find the words to pray. Our spirit intercedes in sighs too deep for words.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Closed store
Wilcannia NSW L Osburn
O God, you are the one who forgives and restores. Keep us seeking you in your word. Support us to have courage, patience and hope for our own situations and for this world you love. Be with us when we pray even when we can find no words so that your Holy Spirit in us may bring our hearts to your loving and eternal care through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord. Amen.

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