Tuesday 28 July 2015

29 July 20215


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Wednesday 29 July 2015 
Morning Prayer   

Psalm 69: 1 – 16

This psalmist is a lowly servant of the Lord and through zeal has done something that causes him to be the butt of jokes and ridicule. The psalmist is fasting and in sackcloth. He pleads for deliverance and praises God.

2 Samuel 11: 22 – 12: 15a

David is told about the losses in the battle and the death of Uriah and others. His message back is muted acknowledging that in battle the sword does not discriminate who it kills. David encourages Joab to press on with the attack.

Bathsheba mourns the death of her husband. When the mourning is over David sends for her, makes her his wife and she has a son.

Nathan the prophet comes to David and tells him a story about a wealthy man with many flocks who took a poor man’s only ewe lamb and served it up for dinner for a stranger. David was incensed and said the wealthy man should die. Nathan tells David he is the man for what he has done to Uriah and Bathsheba. David’s household will be full of strife. Someone will take his wives openly and in public the way he took Bathsheba hidden. He also says the son he has with Bathsheba will die. David repents. Nathan says now that he has repented he will not die. He is forgiven but the consequences of his actions remain.

John 9: 1 – 17

Jesus and the disciples encounter a blind man. The disciples ask whose sins cause the man to be blind his own or the sins of his parents? Jesus answers neither. The man is blind so that God’s glory can be revealed. Jesus heals the man. People who know him question him and take him to the Pharisees to verify the healing. In questioning the man who now sees says that Jesus is a prophet.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Oh wonderful God, you alone can bring the blind to sight and those who sin, or who overstep in zeal, to repentance and humility. Be with us in all we do today. Give us clear sight, right hearts and your calm so that we live and work in your love and freedom to bring your kingdom of joy and peace through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord and the power of your Holy Spirit in our hearts. Amen.

Wednesday 29 July 2015
Evening Prayer

Psalm 69: 17 – 23 (24 – 30) 31 – 38

The psalmist praises the Lord and is suffering from insults and dishonour. When he goes for counsel and support the response is bitter, and heart-breaking – no real compassion. The psalmist is very angry, he wants God’s wrath to destroy and punish, but he leaves that anger with and for God. The psalmist praises God, who unlike a God in the form of a bull, will listen. The psalmist ends in praise and a plea to God to come quickly.

Proverbs 10: 1 – 16

This is a series of saying comparing the wise and righteous with the foolish and wicked in all stages of one’s life and development. “Hatred stirs up strife but love covers all offenses” (v. 12).

Romans 5: 1 – 11

Paul reminds us that our faith brings peace and access to God’s grace. Our sufferings and concerns build our capacity for faith and hope. Hope does not disappoint. We are reconciled to God through the death of Jesus and that happened while we were separated, enemies, before we ever repented. So, now we are reconciled we are saved and that is something to celebrate.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Holy Lord you show us that when we are in strife the wise take things to you and do not stir up hatred. The righteous remember the greatest gift of yours that while we were sinners Christ died for us all. Send your Holy Spirit on us so that in times of trouble our capacity for faith and hope grows and we can lift up our voices in thankful praise through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord and Saviour. Amen.

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