Tuesday 2 June 2015

3 June 2015


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Wednesday 3 June 2015 
Morning Prayer   

Psalm 78: 16 – 38

This portion of the psalm recounts the complaints against God when the Israelites are in the desert with Moses. Water is produced from rocks, food falls from heaven, both bread and birds. They have little faith and yet when they repent, God forgives.

1 Samuel 2: 12 – 26

Eli, the priest at the tent of meeting has two sons who hold the offerings and sacrifices to the Lord in contempt: they steal what they want and use the women at the entrance of the tent for their pleasure. Eli is aware and warns them saying that if someone sins, another can intercede with God and the person can be forgiven, but if the sin is against God, no one can intercede.

Meanwhile Samuel ministers to the Lord in his linen ephod. His mother brings new clothing every year and Eli blesses her. She has five more children. Samuel grows in stature and favour with the Lord and with the people.

Acts 4: 32 – 5: 11

In the early church the people share property communally. People sell land they own and bring the proceeds to the apostles for sharing so that no one is in need.

One couple, Ananias and his wife Sapphira own land, sell it and bring only part of the money they receive but pretend they are giving it all. Peter explains to Ananias that while he owned the land it was all his to do with what he will. He can choose where to put the proceeds but to pretend; to lie to God is the real problem. Ananias drops dead on the spot. He is buried.

Sapphira enters, Peter asks her and she too speaks the deceit. Peter asks how it was that she and her husband decided to put the Holy Spirit to the test. He tells her Ananias is dead and she too immediately dies.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Boom Gate
Gladstone QLD 2015 L Osburn
 Holy gracious and generous God, through your provision we have our lives and many blessings. Keep us honest and faithful to you. Help us admit when we have done something wrong and turn our lives around so that we may experience the joy of your forgiving love and encourage others to do the same confident in your mercy through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord. Amen.

Wednesday 3 June April 2015
Evening Prayer

Psalm 78: 39 – 70

The psalmist shows how short the memories of humans are and how fickle. The Israelites in the desert did not remember or take into account the miracles of God that enabled their freedom. They had little faith. God held on and made decisions about the future of the people and who would lead them, for example choosing the line of Judah rather than the line of Joseph: choosing David and Mt Zion. Whether humans are faithful or not, God still guides them.

Proverbs 2

If we accept and treasure the commandments, seek insight and understanding, the Lord gives wisdom, justice and prudence. These will guard us from those who delight in evil and keep us on the way of the good and the path of the just. The innocent and upright will be safe and the wicked will be cut off.

2 Corinthians 1: 1 – 11

Paul greets the Corinthians and praises God who consoles him in the current afflictions so that he and fellow disciples are able to console others. They have suffered greatly in Asia and were afraid they would be killed. God rescues and continues to rescue. The prayers from Corinth assist Paul and his fellows.

Collect for Evening Prayer

The Abbey
Benedictine Community Jamberoo NSW 2012
L Osburn
 Holy and saving God there are two things you want us to do, love you and love each other. Time and again you have saved us and forgiven us, fed us and given us understanding. Be with us this night and help us to remember your awesome power. Strengthen our faith so that we may truly console and care for each other and bring them the power of your love through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord and Saviour. Amen.

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