Wednesday 24 June 2015

25 June 2015


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Thursday 25 1 June 2015 
Morning Prayer   

Psalm 135

This psalm is a song of praise and thanksgiving to God. Calls upon the priestly tribes of Israel to praise the Lord.
There is a warning too, those who follow the idols of silver and gold will be like them: have eyes yet not see, have ears yet not hear have mouths yet no breath.

1 Samuel 19: 18 – 20: 11

David, escaping death threats from King Saul goes to Samuel in Ramah and they settle in Naioth. Saul sends three sets of messengers to bring him back. All on approaching Naioth fall into a prophetic frenzy. Saul goes and he also is gripped in the frenzy.

David escapes, returns to Jonathon and asks what his guilt is that Saul wants to kill him. Jonathon does not believe that Saul wants to kill David for his father has not said anything to him. David says perhaps he is keeping innocent since Saul knows the young men are friends and doesn’t want to cause Jonathon grief.

The two men resolve that David will not come to the meals and if Saul is angry by David’s absence Jonathon will tell David. They confirm their friendship and go into the field to talk more.

Acts 13: 13 – 25

Paul and his company continue their journey. John returns to Jerusalem. In Antioch, the officials of the synagogue ask them to speak. Paul does so and gives a brief history of the Israelites from the exodus to David, the prophecy about Jesus and the work and testimony of John the Baptist.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Roses in full bloom
Deniliquin NSW 2010 D Stevens
Holy Lord you show us that if we follow our own desires and fears we are operating in the dark, deaf to the truth and without your spirit. Today guide us to be obedient to your call: to ask people to speak and we listen, to trust, to be trustworthy, to tell the truth and to keep people safe so that we may form the rich conditions where your people may flourish and your kingdom can grow through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord and the power of your Holy Spirit in our hearts. Amen.

Thursday 25 June April 2015
Evening Prayer

Psalm 136

This psalm proclaims God’s greatness and enduring love. Here we praise the overwhelming, overflowing, generosity of God.

Sirach 24: 1 - 17

Wisdom originates from the mouth of God and is in every part of the earth. Wisdom holds sway over all peoples.

God sent wisdom to dwell with Jacob and Israel. She took root and like all sorts of plants and trees she flourished, spread her branches, blossomed and bore abundant fruit.

James 3

James writes that not many of us should be teachers because what we say is small but powerful – like a rudder on a ship, like a bridle for a horse or like a small flame in a forest – and we will be judged with greater strictness.
If we are speaking it needs to be peaceable, gentle, willing to yield mercy and to bless – there can be no curses or arrogance. A water source cannot produce fresh and brackish water; a fig tree cannot also produce olives. Whether we are teachers or not we need to speak wisely, with understanding and gentleness because it reveals our heart and the truth of who we are.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Crimson Rosellas
The Abbey Benedictine Community
Jamberoo NSW 2012 L Osburn
Holy and magnificent Lord who not only created all there is but also gave us wisdom so that we also may blossom and flourish loving you and loving each other.  Help us consult the wisdom that comes from you and guard all we say. Even when who we are and what we do challenges and confronts each other, may we never cease from blessing you and blessing each through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord and Saviour. Amen.

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