Friday 8 May 2015

8 May 2015


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Friday 8 May 2015
Morning Prayer

Psalms 20 and 21: 1 – 7 (8 – 13)

The first psalm begins as a bidding prayer asking that God answer your prayers, protect you in times of trouble, grant you your heart’s desire and fulfil all your plans. It was originally about the king. God is the one in whom the community trusts, not men or chariots. The psalmist knows God will help.

The second psalm takes this theme of the power being with God and the king’s dependence on God in all things.

Exodus 33: 18 – 34: 10

Moses asks to see God’s glory. God agrees to pass before him but will shelter him and a cleft in the rock and shield Moses’s face. God agrees to rewrite the commandments on new tablets of stone that Moses cuts.

God passes and Moses hears the proclamation that God is merciful, gracious, slow to anger and steadfast in love and faithfulness, forgiving sin but not clearing the guilty and not removing the consequences of the transgressions even if those consequences go across generations.

Moses worships and asks God to be with the people even though they are “stiff-necked”. God promises to do great wonders for and with his people.

John 13: 12 – 20

Jesus explains the foot washing to the disciples. If their Lord washes their feet so too they should serve each other. No one is greater than the master, and here the master serves all. No messenger is greater than the person who sent the message. If we follow this example we will be blessed.

Jesus predicts the betrayal so they know he knows. He also says those who accept the people Jesus sends are accepting Jesus and they are accepting God.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Stained Glass Window
St Saviour's Anglican Church
Gladstone Queensland 2015 L Osburn
 Overwhelmingly powerful and gracious God you help us, you do great wonders, you protect us and you gave us your Son to teach us how to serve and pray. Help us acknowledge that we will never understand how great you are and strengthen us to serve others by praying for them, asking for your protection and help in all they do so that we pass on your blessings and enable them to accept you through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Friday 8 May 2015
Evening Prayer

Psalms 24 and 26

The Lord of hosts is the King of glory, is the focus of this psalm. The world and everything in it is God’s. Those who aspire to heaven are the pure and righteous.

The second psalm is from a person who is faithful and has integrity and who has been falsely accused. The psalm asks God to look inside and to bring redemption.

Judges 5: 19 – 31

Deborah and Barak continue their song of the battle and prising Jael calling her most blessed of the tent-dwelling women.

It includes a section on Sisera’s mother wondering whether his late return is because he is dividing the spoils of battle and waiting for her share.

The land has peace for 40 years.

1 Corinthians 9: 1 – 14

Paul explains that apostles have the right to receive some of the material benefits from the faith communities that are being served and built. He does not and never has claimed these – he always supported his own ministry expenses. He draws on scripture: we are not to muzzle an ox while it is treading out grain. Surely if God cares for animals the same applies to apostles. He goes on to indicate that those serving at the temple are fed from the sacrifices. He asks who pays the military? Those who tend flocks get a portion of the milk.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Gladstone Qld 2015 L Osburn
Holy Lord you love and support those who serve in your sharing the good news and teaching, caring for and supporting others. Help us to have the resources we need to properly provision the ministries to which you call us through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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