Saturday 9 May 2015

10 May 2015


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Sunday 10 May 2015
Morning Prayer

Psalm 112

This psalm proclaims that the righteous and faithful, who give generously and stand firm against fear and opposition, will receive good things and good reputations.

1 Corinthians 15: 12 – 34

Paul puts to the Corinthians the argument in support of the existence of resurrection of the dead. First he says if we don’t believe it then we cannot believe Christ was resurrected and all our testimony and faith is futile.
But Christ has been resurrected and has overcome death. He is Lord of all and is subject to and in God, so God is all in all.

This gives us the confidence to be Christians, to stand up for our faith and sin no more.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Morning in Rev Vicki's garden
Gladstone Qld 2015 L Osburn
Holy Lord you bring us resurrection and new life through Christ. May we rejoice this and every day and in confidence and love show by our lives that you are all in all through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Sunday 10 May 2015
Evening Prayer

Acts 13: 44 – 14: 7

Paul and Barnabas preach in the synagogue. Some of the Jews dispute in an extreme way. Paul responds saying that it was only right they preach to the Jews first and if they reject their testimony they will go to the Gentiles to whom they are also sent. The Gentiles rejoice. Key Jewish community leaders are incited to persecute Paul and Barnabas and drive them from the city. They leave and go to Iconium filled with joy and the Holy Spirit.

In Iconium Paul and Barnabas again preach at the synagogue and many people become believers: Jews and other from nations. The unbelievers stir up the people so that the city becomes divided. Those opposed to the apostles plan to stone Paul and Barnabas who escape to Lycaonia where they continue proclaiming the good news.

Psalm 99

This psalm uses the theme God is king. God is a just ruler and steadfastly supports those who follow the commandments. God responds to wrongdoing. It is right to tremble at great greatness of God and to worship him.

John 15: 17 – 27

Jesus calls the disciples friends for he tells them what he does, he chooses them and appoints them to bear everlasting fruit.

Jesus prepares them to have difficult times ahead – to be hated by the world and persecuted. He prepares them for success through those who keep Jesus’s word and will also respond to the disciples.

Jesus says that if he had not come we would be unaware of our sins. But since he is here, we are aware and have no excuse. If people hate Jesus even though they have seen the works he did, they hate God too. He quotes scripture that prophesied that he would be hated without cause.

Jesus promises that the Spirit of Truth, the Advocate will come from the Father to them. The disciples are to testify because they have been with Jesus from the start.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Nothing to stop us
Gladstone Qld 2015 L Osburn
Great and almighty God, you sent Jesus and we now know how we need to respond to you and to others. Help us to be your missional people, to tremble at your greatness and steadfast love and to go where you send us filled with your Holy Spirit so that we may testify to your love for all understanding that there may be persecution and terrors but that we are safe in your hands through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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