Friday 22 May 2015

23 May 2015


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Saturday 23 May 2015 
Morning Prayer   

Psalms 54 and 55 1 – 12

The first psalm is a plea to be saved from enemies, a statement of faith and a promise to give a free will offering to God once the psalmist is triumphant.

The second psalm portion is another plea for aid against enemies. The psalmist fears for his life and wants to run away. There is trouble around the city walls and the psalmist asks that the enemies plans be confused.

Deuteronomy 5: 1 – 21

Moses gathers the people and tells them that God’s commandments were given to them. Not to some ancient people but to those alive now. They were present. They made Moses stand between the Lord and them out of fear. He recites for them the Ten Commandments charging them to remember and to keep them all.

Acts 1: 15 – 26

Peter speaks to the gathered believers (about 120 people) and tells them what happened to Judas Iscariot and that his position in the disciples needs to be filled. Two names are chosen Joseph (aka Barsabbas or Justus) and Matthias. Prayers are offered to God who knows everyone’s heart to choose. Then they cast lots and Matthias gains the position.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Ceduna SA
2014 L Osburn
 Holy Lord you protect support and uplift the faithful in all circumstances. You know some of us live in places where there are real enemies where fear and loss surround us. Be with us this and every day. Help us to stand firm in our faith, to keep your commandments and act in as witnesses to your life death and resurrection so that we may be part of your people bringing your peace, your kingdom and your love to our world through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord and the power of your Holy Spirit in our hearts. Amen.

Saturday 23 May April 2015
Evening Prayer

Psalms 48

This psalm praises Mt Zion City of God its walls and grandeur. Moreover, it is the place where God can be found and kings approaching fall and fail once they recognise God dwells here. In the temple the people ponder God’s steadfast love and praise God’s name throughout the earth. The psalmist tells us to come to the holy city, walk around; go into the citadels so that we can tell our children and their children that this God, our God will be our guide forever.

Numbers 11: 16 – 17 and 24 – 30

God hears Moses when he is feeling burnt-out by the pressures of leadership and tells him to gather 70 elders. God says he will transfer some of the spirit he gave to Moses to them so that they can carry some of the burden of the care of the people.

When the spirit is transferred people began to prophecy. Two who are among the registered 70 are not at the tent of meeting but stay in the camp. The spirit also comes on them and they prophesy too (though only once).  A young man runs to Moses with this news. Joshua is shocked and wants Moses to stop the two in the camp. Moses says that he doesn’t own the gift of prophecy and that it would be great if everyone were a prophet.

1 Corinthians 14: 13 – 25

Paul continues his discussion on speaking in tongues. If we have the gift of speaking in tongues it is good to ask also for the gift of interpretation. Paul can speak in tongues and he makes sure he also speaks so that others can understand. We might pray deeply and spiritually but if no one can understand us they cannot say the Amen.

Paul asks the Corinthians to be like babies to evil but in matters of the spirit to be grown-up and use their minds too. If the church is speaking in tongues and an outsider arrives they may think everyone is disturbed and go away. If however, the church is prophesying a newcomer’s heart will be uncovered and that person will recognise that God is with the people and worship God.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Denmark WA 2014
L Osburn
Holy and almighty God, you want our lives to be full of faith, joy and close to you. We thank you for the gift of your Holy Spirit and the wonderful ways we can give you thanks and praise and spread the knowledge of your wondrous love. As we reflect on today, help us see how we used our gifts, to enable others to see that you are real, that you are with us and so feel that pull of grace to worship you through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord and your Holy Spirit. Amen.

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