Monday 2 March 2015

3 March 2015


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Tuesday 3 March 2015
Morning Prayer

Psalm 9

This psalm is a song of thanks and praise for the demise of past enemies and the eternal presence of God. The Lord is the security for oppressed people and that means individuals too. The psalmist moves to a prayer for individual help. The psalm ends asking God to “let the nations know that they are only human” (v.20).

Genesis 43: 15 – 34

The brothers arrive in Egypt. Joseph is informed and prepares a feast at his own home. The brothers are invited there and are suspicious. They tell Joseph’s steward about the return of the money. He says, it must be the providence of God because he received payment for the grain we gave you. Joseph is overcome when he sees Benjamin but does not reveal his identity.  They feast.

Luke 13: 1 – 9

Jesus talks about people who suffered violent and sudden deaths. He encourages people to repent. He then tells the parable of the fig tree. If it is not bearing fruit it needs to be ripped out but the caring gardener will nurture it one more season, if it fruits it will remain in the garden.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Jan and Graham's Ripe tomatoes
Armadale WA 2014 L Osburn
Eternal God of provision and security you want us as individuals, communities and nations, to repent and be humble. You challenge us all to bear fruit for your glory. Help us Lord so to nurture each other, support and feed each other spiritually that we may bear the fruits of your love and Holy Spirit in our world through Jesus Christ Your Son our Lord. Amen.

Tuesday 3 March 2015
Evening Prayer

Psalm 10

The psalm begins describing how arrogant wicked people are: how they think God does not see them and that they can get away with anything. But God does see. God will hear the meek and give them strength and provide justice for the orphan and oppressed so that people on earth will “strike terror no more” (v.18).

Jeremiah 29: 24 – 30: 9

The high priest receives a letter of complaint from Babylon that demands punishment for Jeremiah. The return letter condemns Shemaiah  (the author in Babylon) and prophesies that his family will not be part of the group who returns.

In the next section Jeremiah is instructed by God to write a book and this begins the recording of the consolations. The first is freedom from oppression and that there will be a king from the Davidic line.

Hebrews 7: 26 – 8: 6

Jesus is the great high priest in the ultimate temple. He is the mediator of a “better covenant” (v.6).

Collect for Evening Prayer

Fremantle Harbour WA 2014
L Osburn
All seeing God you love us and care for us. You strengthen the meek, provide justice, raise up prophets and protect us from terror. Help us to reflect on our day: to recall the times we kept our focus on you, drew our strength from you and gained consolation from you, so that we may give you thanks and praise and step out boldly in faith tomorrow with you through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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