Tuesday 12 August 2014

13 August 2014


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Wednesday 13 August 2014 
Morning Prayer

Psalms 101 and 102: 1 – 11

The first psalm is a statement of commitment to justice and like a king to be in charge of one’s life: to be loyal and just for God, to study being blameless, to have integrity and to keep away from those who slander, tell lies or are proud.

The portion of the second psalm is a lament. The psalmist is unwell and in great pain, unable to eat or sleep and tormented by others who suggest God has deserted him.

Hosea 14

Hosea makes a final appeal to Israel to return to God who will restore, heal and enable Israel to flourish. God has always been the provider; there are no other gods that listen to prayers to idols.

Acts 16: 25 – 40

Paul and Silas are in gaol with their feet held in stocks. It is midnight and they are singing hymns. The other prisoners are listening. An earthquake occurs and the doors of the prison are open. The gaoler is about to commit suicide and Paul calls out to say all the prisoners are here. The gaoler takes Paul and Silas home, treats their wounds and he and his whole household are baptised.

In the morning the magistrates send for Paul and Silas to be released. Paul refuses. He makes it clear they are both Roman citizens. Injustice has occurred. The magistrates apologise and ask Paul and Silas to leave. The two go first to Lydia’s home then continue on their mission.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Red Gum Blossom
St Alban's Cathedral Deanery Garden
Griffith NSW 2014 L Osburn

God of the flourishing world, in your kingdom there is no fear and lives with you are lives of freedom. When our world is full of destruction, when our earth quakes, be with us as we reach out to you. Heal, save, sustain restore and justify us so that we live fully, praising you and glorifying you through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Wednesday 13 August 2014
Evening Prayer

Psalm 102: 12-28

This second portion of the lament turns into a hymn of prayer and praise to God. God will look after us; hears our prayers and is eternal. The psalmist asks to be granted some more years of life.

Lamentations 5

The last chapter of Lamentations is a community prayer for restoration. The inheritance is in the hands of strangers. Everyone is an orphan. Water and fuel has to be paid for. Everyone is tired. There are trade agreements with great nations so that any food is available. The rule comes by way of a slave of someone else…. But God reigns forever. Restoration to a relationship with God is the beginning of restoring the world.

Romans 9: 25 – 10: 4

Paul uses scripture to clarify that people who are not Jews are to be God’s children and that not all Jews are heirs to God’s promise. While Jewish people are commitment and faithful to God, some do so not on the basis of faith, but by works. Whereas the new covenant means righteousness comes from God by faith. For Christ provides God’s righteousness to all believers. Seeking to fulfil the Law can only build that individual’s righteousness – which can never be complete.

Collect for Evening Prayer

St Alban's Cathedral Deanery Garden
Griffith NSW 2014 L Osburn
O great and wonderful God, all repair and restoration of relationship comes from your gracious gift of Jesus Christ your Son our Lord. Open our hearts. Strengthen our faith. Keep us in strong relationship with you and with Jesus our Saviour, redeemer and friend now and forever. Amen.

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