Tuesday 8 July 2014

9 July 2014


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Wednesday 9 July 2014 
Morning Prayer

Psalm 22: 1 – 22

This portion of the psalm is a solemn prayer for deliverance from a dreadful illness. It is an illness that has detractors circling the psalmist. The psalmist feels alone and separated from God but is reminded of all the times God was there in the past for the Israelites. The psalmist is humble, asks to be saved not just from the illness but also from any temptation.

2 Chronicles 23: 1 – 17

Jehoiada the priest and his wife who was sister to the king hide the baby, Joash – the last heir to the throne – in their home. When the child is seven Jehoiada mounts a coup with the Levites against Joash’s grandmother who currently occupies the throne. Joash is crowned king and anointed. The grandmother is executed.

Jehoiada makes a covenant with the Lord and the people that they will be the Lord’s people. They then go to the temple of Baal, destroy it and kill the priest.

John 4: 1 – 15

The Pharisees hear that Jesus and his disciples are baptising more people than John. They are already hostile to John so they now turn their focus on Jesus. Jesus leaves Judea and returns to Galilee via Samaria. Jesus, tired sits by a well and the disciples go to buy food.

A Samaritan woman comes to draw water from the well and Jesus asks for water. Jews do not associate with Samaritans. The woman is understandably shocked and says so. Jesus responds that if she knew what God gives and who he is she would be asking him for living water – that which gushes up from within a person and brings eternal life. She asks Jesus for this water so that she never has to come to the well again.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Water from the well
Armadale WA 2014 L Osburn

God of deliverance, you heal us when we are ill, send us leaders when we take the wrong path, welcome and teach us when we are ignorant of your ways. You have sent your Son to teach, baptise us, and redeem us through love and his own sacrifice. Focus our minds and hearts on your great gift to us so that we may feel the Spirit well in our hearts like living water and go refreshed into this day in the power of your Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord. Amen.

Wednesday 9 July 2014
Evening Prayer

Psalms 22: 23 – 32 and 23

The second section of the psalm, calls for all people who respect and honour God to praise him, glorify him and stand in awe of him! God has delivered the psalmist from deadly illness and this evidence shows that all God’s promises are secure. The Lord rules in all places and future generations will continue God’s praise.

This is the well-known 23rd Psalm. The Lord is compared to a shepherd who makes sure the sheep are well pastured, have clean water, are at peace and have nothing to fear. God makes us holy (anoints us) and gives us good things our whole life long.

Ezekiel 15: 1 – 16: 15 and 16: 59 – 63

Ezekiel recounts God’s words to him. God compares Judah to the wood of a grape vine. It is only worthwhile when it produces grapes. Once it is dead it is not good for a heating or any other purpose. Israel, like a vine planted on a great hill in Jerusalem is dead. It needs to be thrown in a fire.

Judah is compared to a foundling who becomes a loved wife and is dreadfully unfaithful. This section is all metaphor to assist the people to understand the repercussions of their unfaithfulness to God.  Judah is worthy of being utterly destroyed and humiliated. But God has an everlasting covenant.  God’s generosity will astonish and confound.

Galatians 3: 15 – 26

The law handed down through Moses, helps us see our mistakes and gives us a disciplined framework. It does not give us righteousness. Belief and faith in God through Christ gives us righteousness. In Christ we are now all children of God through faith (v. 26).

Collect for Evening Prayer

Blackwood River WA
2014 L Osburn
Great Lord, you love us and you want to restore us to you. All we need to do is look at our lives and see where we have not loved you with our whole heart and mind and strength. All we need to do is return to you in faith and then we are overwhelmed with your astonishing generosity and love. You anoint us again and make us holy. This is only possible through your gift of Jesus Christ our redeemer. Help us now to take the time to sit with your miraculous gift to us so that we, freed from our past can step out in faith, hope and love towards you through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, and the power of your Holy Spirit in our hearts. Amen.

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