Sunday 27 July 2014

28 July 2014


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Monday 28 July 2014 
Morning Prayer

Psalm 71

This psalmist is an older person who has had a life of connection with God.  The psalm is of praise and a plea for deliverance from personal enemies. The psalmist promises to use music to proclaim God and praise God.

Hosea 1

Hosea is a prophet of the Northern Kingdom in the time of Jeroboam. The first time God speaks to him, he is told to take a prostitute as his wife. He marries Gomer and she has 3 children whose names God selects. Jezreel the first, means “God sows” but also relates to a valley where a king was killed. Lo-ruhamah, a daughter, the second child means “not pitied” for God will not pity Israel. The third child a son, is called Lo-ammi meaning “not my people”. God rejects Israel. Though they will be a large population, in the future Judah and Israel will be united.

John 8: 31 – 47

Jesus talks to the Jews who believe in him. He explains how they are slaves to sin and that continuing in the truth as shown by Jesus will set them free. They dispute that as sons of Abraham they have always been free. Jesus counters that if they were true sons of Abraham they would do as God says through Jesus and not be trying to kill him. They then say they have one Father, God himself. Jesus responds that if God were their Father, they would love him. They can’t understand and there is no room for Jesus because the evil one leads them.

Whoever is from God hears the word of God. The reason they are not hearing is because they are not from God. They are ruled by sin.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Bolted together
Eucla WA 2014 L Osburn
Holy Lord, how steadfast and faithful you are throughout all time even when we turn away and listen to our own self-interest and pride? You persist with us, and bring us to the truth and open our eyes and ears to you. Keep us patient and focused on you today, even if we encounter opposition. Guide us to respond gently and respectfully and stay riveted to you so that we retain the freedom that comes from quiet confidence in you through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, and the power of your Holy Spirit. Amen.

Monday 28 July 2014
Evening Prayer

Psalm 119: 65 – 88

In this section the psalmist says that in the past he was arrogant, then punished and humbled. These events led to study of the law and following God. Now, others are being arrogant, flout the law and attack him. The psalmist asks for deliverance and promises to keep the faith and be steadfast.

Ezekiel 36: (16 – 21) 22 – 38

Ezekiel tells of God’s promise to restore Israel. Homes will be rebuilt; the land will become productive again. All this will be for God’s own sake and for the people to look back on their past deeds, reflect on their poor behaviour and be aware of the great generosity of God. They will know that God is Lord.

Romans 4: 1 – 12

Paul recalls Abraham whose faith and belief in God meant he was righteous. Circumcision came afterwards as a sign of that righteousness. Abraham did not earn righteousness. It was a gift. Abraham is the ancestor of all who believe and the ancestor of the circumcised who follow Abraham’s example of faith.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Anywhere in the world.
From the border between South and Western Australia
2014 L Osburn
Generous and loving God, in your grace and mercy you forgive us and grant us a new, clear beginning with you. Be with us now as we reflect not only on your generosity to us but to all who believe in you in this world. We ask that you keep all your people in every country safe in your loving embrace and that their songs of praise to you resound across our planet through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, and the power of your Holy Spirit. Amen.

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