Saturday 26 July 2014

27 July 2014


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Sunday 27 July 2014 
Morning Prayer

Psalm 45

This is an ode to a king’s wedding full of praise and descriptions of beauty, strength and wealth.

Matthew 14: 1 – 12

Herod Antipas hears about Jesus and thinks he might be John the Baptist resurrected since he had put John to death. The circumstances of the death are that Herod had been consulting John. On Herod’s birthday he had a party. The daughter of Herodias – his brother’s wife – danced and Herod was so pleased he offered her anything she wanted. The young woman ran to her mother to ask what should she request and her mother said, “the head of John the Baptist”. Herod though grieved ordered it done.

Jesus hears and is also grieved. He goes alone to a deserted place. The crowd follows him and searches him out. Jesus has compassion and heals their sick.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Ruins of the telegraph station
Eucla WA 2014 L Osburn
Compassionate God, you know what it is like to have a family member and friend murdered in state sanctioned violence and you grieve. In those times of desolation you heal us. You are indeed our great king full of wisdom and grace. Strengthen us always to come to you with all our distress and illness and open ourselves to your healing through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord. Amen.

Sunday 27 July 2014
Evening Prayer

Genesis 29: 31 – 30: 22

Jacob has two wives Leah and Rachel. He loves Rachel more. Leah however has sons and Rachel has none. The women begin and maintain a competition to produce heirs even offering their maids in their place. All the women combined have ten sons and Leah has a daughter, Dinah. Then Rachel has Joseph.

Psalm 119: 129 – 136

The psalmist declares a passion for the scripture and the commandments.  There is a request to learn and know them better. The psalmist sheds tears in recognition that others do not keep God’s Law.

Romans 10: 5 – 15

By faith in our hearts and confession of that faith we are saved. It is impossible to fulfil all the requirements of Mosaic Law. In Christ, there is no distinction between Jews and those of other nations. There is one God and this is the same God for all. Everyone who calls on the Lord will be saved. But Paul asks how can they do this unless they hear the gospel and unless people are called to proclaim the gospel.

Collect for Evening Prayer

New Norcia Benedictine Community
WA 2014 L Osburn
Almighty God you have given us your scriptures, the stories of your faithful people in the past and their journey with you, their thanks and praise and struggles. Help us use this gift to build our knowledge about your care for us so that we, when called by you, can spread the news of your gospel and live lives that witness to our faith in you through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, and the power of your Holy Spirit. Amen.

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