Sunday, 25 May 2014

26 May 2014


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Monday 26 May 2014 
Morning Prayer   

Psalms 65 and 70

Psalm 65 is a glorious hymn of praise to God, who forgives us, saves us, satisfies our souls and creates the world and everything in it. In particular it gives praise the food we receive at harvest time.

Psalm 70 is a plea for help in time of urgent need. It asks for those who seek harm to be confused and turned back and those who seek God to rejoice and give praise.

Numbers 20: 1 – 21

In Kadesh and there is no water and the people complain. Moses and Aaron pray. God instructs Moses to tell a set of rocks to release water. Instead Moses hits the rocks with his staff. Moses was disobedient by not acknowledging that it was God who made the water appear, not human action. Moses’s access to the Promised Land is denied. The waters where this occurred are called Meribah.

The Israelites attempt to go north through Edom but are not given permission to pass through that territory even on the highway and are repelled by a large armed force.

John 13: 36 – 14: 7

Peter asks Jesus where he is going and is told that he cannot follow now but will later. Peter presses and Jesus asks, “Will you lay down your life for me?” (v.38). Jesus then tells Peter that before dawn he will have denied Him three times.

Jesus offers words of comfort. He is going before us to the Father to prepare the way for us. Jesus will come again and take us there. Thomas asks how can we know the way if we don’t know where Jesus is going? Jesus replies that he is the way, the truth and the life. No one can approach the Father except through Jesus and if we know Jesus we know the Father and have seen Him.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Engineered Metal Crucifix
New Norcia Benedictine Community
WA 2014 L Osburn

Holy and almighty God you respond to us when we are in need and bring salvation in miraculous ways. Your greatest gift to us is Jesus: our way, our truth and our life, who laid down His life for us all. Through Him we are your children and are welcome. Be with us today in all we say and do and guide us to love and serve you obediently and with confidence so that we acknowledge your glory and grace through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord. Amen.

Monday 26 May 2014
Evening Prayer

Psalm 66

A great song of praise to God: “Make a joyful noise to God, all the earth” (v 1).  The psalmist lists the gifts of God and particularly that prayers are answered. God is a God of steadfast love.

Exodus 35: 20 – 36: 7

Moses requests from the people materials, metal, cloth, wood and stones for the tent of meeting and official garments. Only those people whose hearts are willing, give. Women spin and weave cloth. People give jewellery, acacia wood, skins and fine leather.

A gifted designer and crafts team is named and they begin work. The people are so generous the team ask Moses to ask the people to stop. There is more than enough.

1 Corinthians 10: 1 – 11

Paul uses the story of the exodus to instruct. The ancient people were lead by fire and the cloud with Moses. They passed through water, and they ate holy food. Yet they still did the wrong thing and were struck down. Paul asks us to take this example. We are to shun idolatry, not be immoral, not put Christ to the test and not complain.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Sculpture School of Fish Wind Vane
Busselton Pier WA 2014 L Osburn
Loving and creative God, your gifts to us are beyond measure and include wonderful skills, talents and abilities. By your Holy Spirit, kindle in us willing hearts to give of ourselves, to use our creative abilities for the strengthening of your people, the growth of your kingdom and the proclamation of your glory through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord and the power of your Holy Spirit. Amen.

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