Sunday 2 March 2014

3 March 2014


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Monday 3 March 2014
Morning Prayer

Psalm 9

Praise to God for all his protection, freedom from oppression care for those who seek and trust in him. A request too to help the people know that the God who dispatches enemies is the same one who is mindful of the frail, who lifts people up evening at the point of death.

Jeremiah 22: 1 – 19

Jeremiah prophesies that unless the Kings of Judah repair their ways Jerusalem will be destroyed and they will be exiled. Already Jehoahaz was taken to Egypt where his death will be undignified.

Luke 10: 1 – 12

Jesus instructs and sends out 70 people to go ahead of him. On their mission they are to greet people with peace and if rejected, stay calm – their peace will return to them. They are to stay in one place when welcomed and humbly accept the food they are given, cure the sick and proclaim the Kingdom. If they are not welcomed they are to leave and leave all remnants of the town behind: that is sufficient protest.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Cyclists on the Eyre Highway SA
2014 L Osburn
Great and Almighty God you love us and protect your faithful people. You instruct us on how to be your ministers and how to care for the people of the earth. You also remind us that you are the one who deals out the consequences for those who reject you and your commands. Help us this day to work with your peace in our hearts, to be humble and gracious in all we do and to leave behind those concerns over which we have no control through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Monday 3 March 2014
Evening Prayer

Psalm 10

This psalm is an appeal to God to deal with those who profit from and oppress the poor and who harm others. It acknowledges that there are many, many people lurking with evil intent who renounce God and think they are immune from consequences. The psalmist asks God to hear the calls of the meek and to do justice so that human terror can end.

Genesis 35: 1 – 15

Jacob is told to go to Bethel. He does so and insists that his family hand over all symbols of other Gods and buries them at Shechem. God appears to Jacob and says his name is now Israel and that his offspring will become a nation and a company of nations.

Jude: 1 – 16

Jude warns of false teachers and false members of the church. Jude instructs that we are not to be drawn in to mentioning people’s errors and being guilty of slander. The false ones are likely to grumble, be dissatisfied and bombastic in their speech, self-indulgent and flatter others.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Resting Gull, Streaky Bay SA
2014 L Osburn
Almighty God, you love us and care for us and guide us. Help us to seek you first, to trust in you and to keep your peace in our hearts. We acknowledge that the world is full of pain and that in our congregations and families are full of real humans with the full range of human struggles. Help us every day to lead peaceful, loving lives to your praise and glory through Jesus Christ or Lord. Amen.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

amen sister... keep 'em coming ,Ronnie