Thursday 27 March 2014

28 March 2014


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Friday 28 March 2014
Morning Prayer

Psalm 71

The psalmist is an older person who has had a life of connection with God.  The psalm is of praise and a plea for deliverance from personal enemies. The psalmist promises to use music to proclaim God and praise God.

Jeremiah 34: (1 – 7) 8 – 22

King Zedekiah made a proclamation that all slaves be freed for the defence of Jerusalem. Then it was rescinded when the Egyptian army approached. There was also a law that once every 7 years slaves must be freed- but the ancestors did not listen to that law either. The prophesy from Jeremiah was that Jerusalem and its people will suffer an even worse fate all the cities of Judah will burn.

Luke 17: 1 – 19

Jesus acknowledges that his followers will do the wrong thing but it is worse to cause a person new to faith to stumble. Jesus says that when any of them do the wrong thing and repent they must be forgiven. The disciples ask for more faith. Jesus lets them know they have enough. Then there is a section about our lives of service; we will do our tasks without boasting until the work is done.

Jesus heals ten lepers. Only one of them returns to say thanks: a Samaritan. His faith is recognised.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Old Pier Eucla WA 2014
L Osburn
 Father God, you know that none of us are immune from hardship or error: your disciples, holy city and older faithful believers. You remind us that we have sufficient faith and that repentance and thanksgiving are free. Help us be gentle with each other and ourselves, to foster and support repentance, to set up opportunities for thanks and praise, and to do your will calmly and diligently through Jesus Christ our Lord and the power of your Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friday 28 March 2014
Evening Prayer

Psalm 119: 65 – 88

In this section the psalmist says that in the past he was arrogant, then punished and humbled. These events led to study of the law and following God. Now, others are being arrogant, flout the law and attack him. The psalmist asks for deliverance and promises to keep the faith and be steadfast.

Genesis 49: 22 – 50: 6

Jacob continues describing his offspring: Joseph, who was strengthened by God and set apart and Benjamin “a ravenous wolf in the morning devouring the prey”. Jacob blesses them all appropriate to their character. He asks to be buried in Canaan. When Jacob dies Joseph has him embalmed and returns his father’s body to Canaan.

Hebrews 11: 13 – 28

The writer continues with the list of the faithful who saw God’s future, God’s promise and lived their lives faithfully: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and Moses.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Galahs Eucla WA 2014
L Osburn*
Great Father God, you know how humans develop, you know our characters and you love us. Help us to reflect on today, to see your blessings and gifts in today’s events, to come before you in humility and to undertake to do your will so that our lives may be a testament of faith to you through Jesus Christ and the power of your Holy Spirit. Amen.

* These two galahs were squawking for attention “Hey you with the camera, we’re fabulous photograph us”, arrogant, brash….  loveable. [Galah is also Australian slang for a loveable fool].

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