Tuesday 25 March 2014

26 March 2014


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Wednesday 26 March 2014
Morning Prayer

Psalm 65

A glorious hymn of praise to God, who forgives us, saves us, satisfies our souls and creates the world and everything in it. In particular it gives praise for the food we receive at harvest time.

Jeremiah 32: 36 – 33: 9

Jeremiah experiences more encounters with God who tells him that the city will be destroyed and it will also eventually be healed. Those in exile will return. The city shall be united and prosper again.

Luke 16: 1 – 13

This story of a dishonest steward is used to instruct the disciples that we can use our possessions to gain not lose our future. We can be shrewd in the management of the resources for the greater final end – salvation for us and for many.  The second message is that the little things we do in our communities and do faithfully really do matter.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Iron Knob (near Whyalla) South Australia
2014 L Osburn

Generous God, you give us what we need in season. Sometimes that does mean you ask us to wait. Help us to be competent and skilled stewards of the resources in our care so that we use them to build a future with you for us and for many through Jesus Christ our Lord and the power of your Holy Spirit. Amen.

Wednesday 26 March 2014
Evening Prayer

Psalm 66

A great song of praise to God: “Make a joyful noise to God, all the earth” (v 1).  The psalmist lists the gifts of God and particularly that prayers are answered. God is a God of steadfast love.

Genesis 48

Jacob is about to die and calls Joseph and his sons (Jacob’s grandsons) for a blessing. He adopts Joseph’s sons as his own and blesses them. He crosses his hands and so the second born son receives the more potent blessing. He gives Joseph the territory that includes Shechem.

Hebrews 10: 32 – 39

The writer reminds people that in the early days of their faith they had hard times, their possessions were taken, people were injured and imprisoned and they supported each other. They are encouraged to keep the faith and not to shrink back from God’s saving grace.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Signpost WA  2014
L Osburn
Great God of steadfast love, we thank you for the scriptures and the encouragement we receive from the stories of those who love you: the people of God. Keep us in your loving embrace and guide us to live our lives joyfully with thanks and praise to you through your Son, Jesus Christ and the power of your Holy Spirit. Amen.

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