Friday 14 February 2014

15 February 2014 

Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Saturday 15 February 2014

Morning Prayer

Psalm 104: 1 - 25

Great hymn to the creator: clouds, sea, mountains, water, grass, creatures, wine… the list goes on.  In wisdom God has made it all.

Jeremiah 20:7 – 18

Jeremiah faithfully tells the people of their impending doom and they humiliate and deride him. But he cannot stop. He experiences the Lord as a dread warrior within; he knows God will prevail. It is tough for Jeremiah. He laments that he was born and that his vocation is to be such a fierce prophet, feared, denounced and shamed by his people.

Luke 5:27 – 38

Jesus invites a tax collector, Levi to follow him and he does. Levi sets a banquet for others including tax collectors. Jesus defends that being with sinners is why he is here, that there is a new way. He makes the comparison of old and new fabric: old and new wine and old and new wineskins. Each has its own appropriate container.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Early morning sun through clouds over the Great Australian Bight
2014 L Osburn

"you set the beams of your chambers on the waters" Ps 104:3
 Almighty God in your wisdom you have made everything and given us a place and purpose in your dynamic creation. You know our different circumstances, our suffering and our challenges. From all walks of life and experience you make of us ministers of your love. You bring new ways and new insights. Help us Lord to feel you within, to feel your closeness and to be ministers to each other through grace of our saviour Jesus Christ and the presence of your Holy Spirit.  Amen.

Saturday 15 February 2014

Evening Prayer

Psalm 104:26 – 37

This part of the psalm reinforces that all things natural and man made rely on the mercy of God for their existence and sustenance.

Genesis 26: 18 – 33

Isaac keeps moving in Gerar digging up old wells of Abraham but the locals claim the water as theirs and he moves on. King Abimelech, an adviser and army commander turn up, acknowledge that God is with Isaac and negotiate an understanding for peace. They depart. Isaac’s newest well, named Shibah, flowed with water.

1 Timothy 2

Prayers and thanksgivings are to be made for everyone no matter their status or lack thereof. Rulers need to be prayed for so that peace and dignity reign. Prayer, focusing on others, learning quietly without being disrupted and to be taught legitimately is needed for all.

Collect for Evening Prayer

The Abbey Jamberoo NSW 2010 L Osburn

Creator God, you provide the conditions for our existence and sustenance. Those who wield power, who teach, who serve, who learn need your support. Help us to pray for everyone so that their circumstances are conducive to peace, dignity, quiet focused study, genuine care, compassion and recognition of legitimate authority. Since as Paul says, “our saviour desires everyone to be saved and to come to knowledge of the truth”. We ask this through Jesus Christ true and eternal mediator. Amen


Anonymous said...

Hi Lynelle - thanks for the link - I like both of your collects.....and the photos! H.

Unknown said...

Hey Lynelle what a wonderful idea I will be following you. Have been looking for a way to do this regularly and then you pop up with this great idea. Thanks Vicki H.