28 November 2016
developed from the daily readings
Monday 28
November 2016
Psalm 71
This psalmist is an older person who has had a life of
connection with God. The psalm is of
praise and a plea for deliverance from personal enemies. The psalmist promises
to use music to proclaim God and praise God.
1: 18 – 31
and her inhabitants are sinning. God promises that if they willing to be
obedient to God then all that dross will be washed away. If they continue
rebelling they will be considered enemies and put to the sword. The righteous
will be restored but the rebels and sinners destroyed.
Mark 4:
1 – 20
again preaches from a boat since the crowds are too great. He tells the parable
of the sower and the seed which he later explains to the disciples. The sower
sows seeds that are the word of God. Seed that falls on the path and is taken
by birds is like Satan snatching the words immediately. The seed in rocky
ground is the word received with joy but with little capacity to root, when
trouble or persecution comes the plant fails. The seed sown among the thorns
are those who hear the word but the demands of life, cares, legitimate
concerns, lure of wealth and desire for other things come in and choke the word
and it yields nothing. The seed sown on good soil are those who hear, accept,
commit and will bear fruit, 30, 60 or 100 times as much as the start.
Collect for
Morning Prayer
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In the field at The Pinnacles near Broken Hill NSW L Osburn |
Holy God,
powerful teacher compassionate Lord. So many of the people who hear your word
are in field of rocks and paddocks of thorns and invasive weeds. Open our eyes
and hearts so that we have compassion for those, whose circumstances mean it is
hard to hear, accept and commit to you. Be with us as we pray for them since
only you can change their landscape and weather through Jesus
Christ Your Son our Lord. Amen.
Monday 28
November 2016
119: 65 – 88
In this
section the psalmist says that in the past he was arrogant, then punished and
humbled. These events led to study of the law and following God. Now, others
are being arrogant, flout the law and attack him. The psalmist asks for
deliverance and promises to keep the faith and be steadfast.
40: 1 – 17
speaks the great words of comfort to Jerusalem. She has paid for her sins. Now
she is to hear the voice crying in the wilderness, “prepare the way of the
Lord” (v.3). The landscape will change. What was hard and rough before will be
made smooth and easy. God’s glory will be revealed.
are temporary but God’s word lasts forever. Every place is to rejoice – the
Lord is coming. The Lord will care for us like a good shepherd cares for sheep.
The Lord is great and almighty. No one direct or counsels or advises God.
If we
were properly to thank God through a burnt offering there would be not enough
timber in the whole of Lebanon or enough animals – the earth is insignificantly
small compared to our God.
1 Thessalonians 1
Paul greets the church in
Thessalonica. He recognises their chosen status since the gospel came to them
by word and Holy Spirit. They became followers of Christ and examples for
believers in Macedonia and Achaia. News of their faith has helped other
communities of Christians for they know how the Thessalonians welcomed Paul and
his fellows and turned from idols to worshipping the living God and wait for
Jesus’ return.
Collect for Evening Prayer
In the wilderness: at The Pinnacles near Broken Hill NSW L Osburn |
Holy and generous God, when we consider your gifts to us we
recognise your awesome grace and praise you. We pray for your deliverance those
caught by idols and pride. Help us to prepare anew for your coming. We pray too
that you will sustain us in our commitments to you so that we your faithful
people can be examples: worshipping you and waiting for you through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen.
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