Thursday, 24 November 2016

25 November 2016


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Friday 25 November 2016
Morning Prayer

Psalms 62 and 63

For God my soul waits in silence: my salvation and my hope come from God. All people and things and powers are temporary. God is our rock and fortress and we shall not be shaken. Steadfast love belongs to God.

As a drought-ravaged land seeks water so our souls seek God. God’s love is better than life. God’s love is like a rich feast. Meditating on God causes our souls to sing.

The psalm ends with a plea for personal security.

Malachi 2: 17 – 3: 12

Malachi prophesies that God is sending a messenger to prepare the way before his coming – a messenger in whom the priests delight. But no one will be able to stand it because the messenger will come to refine like a refiner of silver and gold, until the priests present offerings in righteousness. Only then will the judgement begin of those who do wrong. The Lord wants people to repent.

How can they do this? First by tithing correctly and not robbing God. Then blessings will overflow.

Mark 3: 7 – 19a

Jesus goes to the Sea of Galilee and great numbers hearing about him arrive from the coast and from beyond the Jordan River. The disciples acquire a boat so that Jesus is not crushed. Jesus tells all the unclean spirits who recognise him as the Son of God to not make his identity known. He goes up the mountain and appoints 12 to proclaim the message and cast out demons.

Collect for Morning Prayer

North of Brisbane
L Osburn

Holy Lord you care for all of us especially those who are your disciples and priests to your people. Help us all as members of your holy priesthood to genuinely focus on you and do so through all the hardships of life so that we, and those to whom we bring your message, may be forever blessed through Jesus Christ Your Son our Lord. Amen.

Friday 25 November 2016
Evening Prayer

Psalms 64 and 67

The first psalm is about those who do evil and think no one can see or hear them. God knows. God sees. God will respond. Let the righteous rejoice and take refuge in God.

The second psalm is a blessing. “May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us” (v 1). The blessing asks too that our lives be testament to God’s glory. May the whole world sing praise and rejoice.

Wisdom 12: 12 – 21

God is sovereign and there is no person or other god to question God’s decisions and actions. God, supremely powerful also spares all, judges with mildness and deals with us with forbearance. God teaches us that righteousness must be kind.  God provides repentance for sins. God provides opportunities for enemies to give up their wickedness. How much more will he be generous to those to whom promises have been made?

Revelation 13: 1 - 10

John sees Satan bring out of the sea a multi-headed creature with great power, which the world worships. The people cannot withstand it. The beast is given authority to rule and shout blasphemies against God. It is allowed to make war on the saints and win and given authority over all nations. Everyone whose name is not written in the book of life of the Lamb is slaughtered. We are to hear and listen: if we are taken captive we will be held in captivity and if we kill violently we too will be killed. This is a call for saints to endure.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Sometimes the reflecting pool is...
Harrietville Vic  L Osburn
Holy Lord, you love us all and want us to be with you, faithful and steadfast. Be with us as we reflect on our day. Help us bring to you the things we have done wrong and to tell our troubles how powerful and gracious you are so that we may endure all things and be numbered among your saints through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen.

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