Tuesday, 5 April 2016

6 April 2016


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Wednesday 6 April 2016
Morning Prayer

Psalm 86

The psalmist approaches God in humility and reverent recognition asking for assistance. Praise and honour are awarded to God and the psalmist asks to walk in truth and to have a heart for God alone. Thanks are given to God for steadfast love.

Leviticus 16: 1 – 19

After the death of Aaron’s sons, God gives Moses detailed instructions for the Aaron in his priestly preparation and activities. Aaron the priest is to wear linen garments, be precise in the manner of the sacrifices that should be made, when incense in used and why and when he goes into the holy areas of the tent that houses the Ark.

Luke 24: 1 – 12

On the first day of the week the women who had come with Jesus from Galilee and witnessed the crucifixion and watch Jesus being placed in the tomb come to the tomb with spices. They find the stone rolled away and the tomb empty. Two men in dazzling white appear. The women are terrified. The men tell the women that Jesus is alive and risen and remind them of Jesus’ words about being handed over to sinners and rising on the third day. The women tell all this to the disciples. The disciples do not believe them. Peter runs to the tomb and finds the linen clothes. He is amazed.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Cave in a cleft
The Pinnacles Broken Hill
NSW  L Osburn
God of blessings, love, forgiveness and purpose, you love us so much even though we are full of pride and arrogance, loss, grief, disbelief and fear. Open our ears to hear “Jesus is risen”. Open our eyes to see the stone rolled away and a new light everywhere. Open our minds to believe in resurrection and in your purpose for us. Open our hearts to have a heart for you alone and lead us to act in disciplined and mindful ways each day – especially when we approach you – so that our connection with you is heart, soul and mind, never hollow, no matter the violence and grief and pain we encounter so that we are your reverent and righteous people though Jesus Christ our risen Lord. Amen

Wednesday 6 April 2016
Evening Prayer

Psalm 88

This is a prayer of a faithful person who has been seriously ill since childhood and now believes they are close to death. The prayer asks God to listen. The psalmist is bold with God. “Is your steadfast love declared in the grave…?” (v.11). The only sense of hope in this psalm is in God’s response.

Exodus 16: 1 – 21

The Israelites are in the wilderness going towards Sinai. They have been away from Egypt for two and a half months and food is short. They complain to Aaron and Moses who say basically that they are only human, the people are complaining about God. God provides first a flock of quail then flakes of bread every morning - just enough. It goes rancid overnight except for the night before Sabbath. The people always have enough food.

1 Peter 3: 17 – 4: 2

If we do what is right and it is God’s will that we suffer for it we are better of than doing something wrong. Christ suffered for our sins, all of us good and bad. He was put to death for us. This is not like the time of Noah when masses died through water and only a few were saved. Our baptism is like an appeal to God for a clear conscience. So, if we are going to suffer for doing the right thing that just means we are stepping away from the human desires and stepping towards God.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Gladstone Harbour
Qld  L Osburn
Compassionate and loving God so many times in history you have done marvellous things to keep us safe. It is hard for us to understand suffering. It is hard for us to believe in miracles. Help us tonight as we reflect, to see where we did what we knew was right and, if we did suffer bring that to you and sit closer to you right now. If we did something right and did not suffer help us to praise you and thank you through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord and the power of your Holy Spirit. Amen.

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