16 March 2016
Prayers developed from the daily readings
Wednesday 16 March 2016
Morning Prayer
psalmist is dreadfully ill, so much so that friends stand a bit further away
and people who seek harm spread rumours. The psalmist stays quiet, trusting
God, praying and asking for God’s salvation.
41: 11 – 42: 6
kills Gedaliah, the governor appointed by the Babylonians. He forces the remnant
of the people out of the places they live and leads them to the Ammonites.
Johnanon and supporters intercept Ishmael, there is a skirmish, the people are
free, but Ishmael escapes. Johnanon and the people do not know what to do now.
They fear reprisals from the Babylonians so think escape to Egypt is an option.
Conversely, they worry that escaping could be seen as an admission of guilt.
They call Jeremiah to intercede with God and promise to do as God directs.
22: 34 – 23: 11
question Jesus on matters of belief. First they ask about which commandment is
the greatest. He answers “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart,
with all your soul and with all your mind” and adds, “You shall love your
neighbour as yourself”. Jesus asks them about their understanding of “messiah”.
If the messiah is the son of David, then what does it mean in the scriptures
when David says, “The Lord said to my Lord, ‘Sit at my right hand, until I put
your enemies under your feet’”. How can the messiah be the son of David if he
calls him “my Lord”? The Pharisees are unable to answer.
continues to talk to the crowd about hypocrisy and humility. He charges people
to be humble and not assume greater status or demand respect.
Collect for Morning Prayer
Pelicans heading out at dawn Denmark WA L Osburn |
Almighty God in the scriptures, your
people of faith meet with times when they are confused, lost or fail to
understand. You love us, hear us and guide us if we are prepared to listen. Be
with us today and help us hear and be committed to take your direction in
humility and faith through Jesus Christ our Lord and the power of your Holy
Spirit. Amen.
Wednesday 16 March 2016
Evening Prayer
psalmist is mortally ill and perceives his illness to be punishment from God.
He decides to be calm and quiet in the presence of people who would bring him
more grief. He asks to know how much time he has left. Humans are like passing
guests, aliens. The psalmist asks for a little relief so that he can smile
before he dies.
8: 20 – 9: 12
fourth plague is flies, which only affect the Egyptians and none of the
Israelites in Goshen. Pharaoh promises to let the Israelites sacrifice. Moses
says, that this cannot be in the presence of the Egyptians for they will be
offended and stone the people. Pharaoh agrees, that the Israelites can travel
away to sacrifice. Moses intercedes with God and the fly plague stops. Pharaoh
changes his mind.
fifth plague kills the Egyptians’ livestock and does not harm the Israelites’
animals. The sixth plague is fine soot blown in the air that causes boils on
the skin. Still the Pharaoh’s heart is hard.
Corinthians 1: 18 – 31
power of the cross is that the people who believe will be saved. It will appear
crazy to the rich, learned and powerful who experience positions of honour from
their own skills or resources. The main cultural groups will not believe
someone unless there are verifiable signs in the case of the Jews or
irrefutable argument as in the case of the Greeks. Christ is the source of
grace and salvation. Our only boast can be that Christ died for us and for our
Collect for Evening Prayer
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Peaceful Streaky Bay SA L Osburn |
Loving and compassionate God you
care for us and protect us. We thank you for the gift of your Son and the
salvation won through his death on the cross and resurrection. Give us peace to
sit this evening and consider your blessed assurance of care and protection
through Jesus Christ our Lord and redeemer. Amen.
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