Sunday 2 October 2016

2 October 2016


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Sunday 2 October 2016 
Morning Prayer

Psalm 118: 19 – 29

The psalm section brims with sweet praise to God. “This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvellous in our eyes”.

Luke 2o: 27 – 38 Check

Sadducees come to Jesus saying there is no resurrection. Using a law about brothers being required to marry the widow of another brother, they construct a scenario where this happens seven times. They want to know who is the true husband in the resurrection. Jesus tells them they are wrong in their understanding of the resurrection – no one marries or is married, instead all are like angels. Further, he quotes scripture where God says, “I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob” they are and God is. God is the God of the living not the dead. Some who heard said, “Teacher you have spoken well.”

Collect for Morning Prayer

Magnificent magnolias
Harrietville Vic  L Osburn
Living God, present constant and marvellous, we thank you for all your great gifts and mercies. Help us see that the world is wrong when it rejects our spirit, the spirit you made so that we can celebrate your deep and forever love for each and every one of us through the power of your Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Sunday 2 October 2016
Evening Prayer

Jeremiah 35

Jeremiah is instructed to invite the Rechabites to the temple and offer them wine. The Rechabites refuse saying their ancestor Jonadab, forbade them to drink wine, or farm but to live in tents. They have obeyed.
God then instructs Jeremiah to use the Rechabites as an example of a people who listen. The Rechabites are promised a future. The people of Judah are not listening nor answering when called.

Psalm 37: 1 – 9 Check

There are people who do evil and prosper. Their presence is a challenge to us to choose faith, to do good things, to stay calm, to not get angry or envious of their wealth. Stay with the Lord and be patient. It is their story and God’s job if they continue to reject God.

2 Timothy 1: 15 – 2: 7 Check

This passage is all about the challenges of ministry – that like Onesiphorus we seek and find the imprisoned evangelist, feed and support them – not just with meals. Like a soldier we are to show disciplined endurance and not split our allegiance between ministry and other activities. Like an athlete we need to abide by the rules and train. Like a farmer we need to be industrious, constant and patient. Ministry is demanding work.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Abundance of spring
Harrietville Vic  L Osburn
God of bountiful provision, you promise those who listen and those who respond to the demands of ministry a place in your care. Help us to take up and hold on to the challenges of ministry, to keep the faith, to focus on you to be patient and to make sure nothing gets in the way of our relationship with you so that we can be an example to others and bring them to your love through the power of your Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

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