Monday 26 September 2016

27 September 2016


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Tuesday 27 September 2016 
Morning Prayer

Psalm 68: 1 – 20

A psalm of praise to a practical God, our God. We are provided with the practical necessities homes, care for orphans and widows, water, food, crops, protection, peace and God’s presence relationship.

Joel 3: 9 – 21

Joel calls for warriors, for the assembly of all those willing to fight a battle in the valley of judgement. He calls God’s warriors too. God will judge because the wickedness overflows like a great wine harvest. The scene will be terrifying, things will be bleak and the Lord’s voice will be like a roar from Zion.

He then paints a scene of calm: sweet wine, milk and fresh water. All the enemies will be defeated and God prevail.

Matthew 9: 14 – 26

Disciples of John the Baptist ask Jesus why they and the Pharisees fast but Jesus’s disciples do not. Jesus talks about respecting the new ways and the old ways and not forcing them together. He also says that there will be a time when the disciples fast – at the moment they are still with the bridegroom.

A leader in the synagogue approaches for his daughter has died and asks Jesus to lay hands on her so she may live. Jesus goes and on the way a woman touches the fringe of his coat so she may be healed. Jesus stops, recognises the touch, acknowledge the woman and her faith and heals her. He then tells the mourners to depart and enters the synagogue leader’s home, takes the girl by the hand and she gets up. There is rejoicing everywhere. Jesus recognises and heals women and girl children.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Abundance to share
Barossa Valley SA  L Osburn
Holy Lord, you teach us respect for you and for each other. Holy wars, holy judgements are yours. Help us in our own battlefields: demonstrating respect, drawing forth peace, sharing our abundance and exercising compassion just as Jesus showed us, so that we are part of your dominion now and forever praising and blessing you and living the new way through Jesus Christ who died for us. Amen.

Tuesday 27 September 2016
Evening Prayer

Psalms 68: (21 – 23) 24 – 35

This section of the psalm moves first to the fierce protection God provides for his people and then to a procession and celebration of God and the people of Israel, united in Jerusalem at the temple.

1 Maccabees 3: 42 – 60

Judas Maccabeus and his brothers see the great army and hear what the King had said about the destruction of the people. He calls for the people to rejoice in who they are even if it is a ruin and fight for the sanctuary. First they go to a place of prayer at Mizpah where they fast, put on the garments of mourning, read the scriptures, bring gifts and pray. They give a loud shout and prepare for battle but only take those willing to fight. They camp to the south of Emmaus and ready themselves to fight in the morning vowing to submit to God’s will.

Colossians 1: 9 – 20

Paul tells of his prayers that we may have knowledge of God’s will in spiritual wisdom and understanding so that we lead lives worthy of God, bear fruit and be made strong through His power so that we can endure all things with patience and joyfully give thanks. He has rescued us from the power of darkness and put us in Christ, His Son’s kingdom. Paul explains the oneness of God and Christ and this section is the beginning of our creed, the acknowledgement of God as creator of all things visible and invisible and God’s reconciliation with us through the cross.

Collect for Evening Prayer

An imperfect grain silo
NSW  L Osburn
Wonderful nurturing Lord, you give us great examples of faith so that we know that even if our bodies and our abilities fail, even if we are up against impossible opposition you are with us. We thank you for this reminder of your love and we ask that you energise us to encourage others in the faith as Paul encourages us. Help us remind each other who you are and what you have done through Jesus’s death and resurrection so that all of us may endure all things with patience, joyfully sing to your glory and give you our thanks and praise through Jesus Christ our Lord and your Holy Spirit in our hearts. Amen.

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