Sunday 21 August 2016

22 August 2016


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Monday 22 August 2016
Morning Prayer

Psalm 118: 1 – 18

Give thanks to the Lord, for God is good; with steadfast love that endures forever! The remainder of the psalm tells of God’s assistance and reminds us to put our trust not in people or rulers, but God alone.

2 Chronicles 32: 9 – 23:

Sennacherib, King of Assyria sends people who talk the language of the Judeans to pour scorn on God and Hezekiah saying there is no way Jerusalem can hold out against his huge forces. Hezekiah and Isaiah pray. The Lord sends a warrior who kills all the soldiers, commanders and officers in the camp of Sennacherib. Sennacherib returns home in disgrace. As a result many bring gifts to God at the temple and to Hezekiah.

Acts 21: 1 – 14

Paul continues his journey towards Jerusalem. At Tyre disciples warn him not to go to Jerusalem. He travels to Caesarea and at Philip’s house a prophet Agabus from Judea arrives, takes Paul’s belt and ties his own hands and feet with it saying that the Jews will bind Paul thus and hand him to the Gentiles. Paul says he is willing and ready to be bound and even to die for Christ in Jerusalem. The people in Philip’s house became silent except to say, “The Lord’s will be done”.

Collect for Morning Prayer

The well worn path
Eucla WA  L Osburn
Holy and mighty Lord, your will, your ways and your purposes are beyond our understanding. We give you thanks and praise for the many times you have protected and defended us and for your apostles and faithful people of every age. Be with us this day. Remind us to pray when we feel besieged. Prepare us to be ready to stand up for Jesus so that we may truly be your hands on earth and so that your will may be done through Jesus Christ our Lord who redeemed us. Amen

Monday 22 August 2016
Evening Prayer

Psalms 118: 19 – 29 and 120

The psalm section brims with sweet praise to God. The rejected one has become the cornerstone. “This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvellous in our eyes. This is the day that the Lord has made: let us rejoice and be glad in it” (vv. 23-24). The one who comes in God’s name is blessed. God’s love endures forever.

The second psalm is a cry of distress from a person in exile far from Israel surrounded by warrior people, “I am for peace; but when I speak, they are for war” (v.7).

Tobit 2: 1 – 3: 6

Tobit is restored to his family and is about to sit and eat a great meal. He sends his son Tobias to bring a poor faithful person to the table. Tobias returns with news that a Jewish man has been murdered in the marketplace. Tobit goes, collects the body, keeps it safe until night-time and buries the man. All ridicule Tobit since he continues to bury the dead. He sleeps outside that night and wakes blind. His wife works to support the family. She weaves and one day is paid wages and a goat. Tobias does not believe the goat is a gift and demands she returns it. His wife insists he believe her and that he, the charitable one is not being charitable to her or his own family. Tobit weeps and prays and asks God to release him from his life of distress.

Romans 14: 13 – 23

We are not to pass judgement on each other and we are not to cause others to stumble. For example, with eating rites, we are neither to offend by eating something our brother or sister deems unclean nor to make them eat it. We are not to push food restrictions on others for it might divert the person from Christ and salvation. We are to pursue peace for mutual encouragement. All food is clean but it isn’t good to eat or drink things that make others stumble. If someone’s conscience says they should not eat something, then eating it is sin. We are to respect people dietary considerations.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Lake Mulwala Vic  L Osburn
Gentle loving God, your greatness and love for us all endures forever. Build our gentleness and care for each other everyday so that we, showing that respect and honouring each other’s conscience may build your peace and joy in your Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ our Lord who so generously gave his all for us. Amen

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