Thursday 18 August 2016

19 August 2016


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Friday 19 August 2016
Morning Prayer

Psalms 110 and 111

The first psalm is about the new king, who sits beside God, who defeats the enemies of God, whose rule extends beyond Zion and who, on coronation has priest privileges. The second praises God for great deeds, honour, majesty, enduring righteousness and mercy. God has sent us redemption. Respecting God is the beginning of wisdom.

2 Chronicles 31: 1 – 12a

After the great festival the people return to their towns and dismantle all places of worship to other gods and idols. Hezekiah re-establishes the orders of priests and Levites and ensures they are provided for. The people tithe and storehouses are needed to contain the abundant supplies.

Acts 20: 1 – 16

When the trouble in Ephesus quiets Paul continues his mission onwards through Macedonia and Greece. In Troas while talking late into the night a young man falls asleep and topples off the building. He is thought to be dead. Paul goes to him and announces that he is alive. The boy is taken home, alive. Paul breaks bread with the people and travels on eager to get to Jerusalem if possible for Pentecost.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Harrretville Vic L Osburn

Eternally merciful God you provide us with everything we need through and with each other. Help us today to keep our hearts open to you so that we may be available to give of ourselves, our time and energy to each other and thus share the greatest riches – genuine relationships and genuine care so that your will may be done on earth through Jesus Christ our Lord and redeemer. Amen.

Friday 19 August 2016
Evening Prayer

Psalms 112 and 113

The first psalm proclaims that the righteous and faithful, those who give generously and stand firm against fear and opposition will receive good things and good reputations.

The second psalm praises God especially for responding to those who are humble and poor and bringing them to sit with princes. There is no other god like this.

Song of Songs 8

The woman ponders whether it would be better for her if the lover was her brother then at least she could kiss him, have him in her company, rest with him and feed him. Again she warns other young women not to stir up love before it is ready.

The power of love is unquenchable and so the lovers want to be the seal for each other’s heart. There is now a chorus of brothers protecting a younger sister. The woman responds that she is grown and needs no protection but brings peace to her lover. Then she compares herself to Solomon’s vineyard that he had keepers to care for and produce fruit. She is her own vineyard and own keeper.

Finally there is a call and response between the lovers.

Romans 13

Paul teaches that we are not above the laws of the land and should be subject to laws and rulers, pay our taxes and respect.

We are not to be in debt to anyone except to love them. We are to behave well, not steal or covet and to love our neighbours as ourselves.

We are now to wake from sleep. Salvation is nearer now than it was yesterday. Let us put on the armour of light – Jesus, live honourably and not have any time for gratifying the self.

Collect for Evening Prayer

And armor of light
Near Barooga NSW
L Osburn
God of abundant love and challenge, you love us beyond our understanding, beyond anything that we might experience with each other and you want us to love each other as you love us. Help us every moment to find the ways to be your loving people in disrupted communities and troubled families. Be for us our armor of light so that we may step out in faith and hope and love for you through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord. Amen

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