Monday 20 June 2016

21 June 2016


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Tuesday 21 June 2016
Morning Prayer

Psalms 121, 122 and 123

In these three psalms the themes are the eternal faithfulness of God and how God cares for us; the joy and gladness we experience as we enter the house of the Lord with a prayer for safety and peace in Jerusalem, and finally, a prayer for deliverance from those who ridicule and oppress us.

2 Chronicles 11

Rehoboam, who is now king gathers a great army to fight to reunite Israel. God speaks to Shemaiah and instructs that the people not fight against their kindred. The army disperses. Rehoboam sets about building and fortifying cities and towns.

The Levites and priests from other parts of Israel come to Jerusalem since Jeroboam had appointed his own priests in Israel for goat-demons and worshipping calves. These people lived faithfully and well for three years. Rehoboam has abundant children and puts many in charge of the fortified cities. He appoints one of his sons, Abijah as chief priest.

Acts 12: 12 – 25

Peter, who has been freed from prison by an angel now realises it is not a dream and goes straight to the house of Mary the mother of John. Rhoda, the maid answers the outer gate, sees Peter and is so overjoyed she runs inside without opening the gate. The people inside tell her she is crazy. She insists. Peter keeps knocking. Eventually they go and answer the gate and of course there is a fuss and Peter has to get them to be quiet.

The next morning, Herod Agrippa has the prison guards killed on account of Peter’s escape. Herod then goes to Caesarea. He is unhappy with the people of Tyre and Sidon. They seek reconciliation. On the day it is to be ratified Herod is robed and on his platform and the people praise him as if he is a God. Immediately he dies.

Christianity grows and Barnabas and Saul return to Jerusalem and bring with them John (aka Mark).

Collect for Morning Prayer

The Church at New Norcia
Benedictine Community WA  L Osburn
Eternal and loving God, you care for us, deliver us, and with you a secure future is assured with an increase in the number of people in who believe. Protect us in our communities and keep us from following idols so that we may freely come together to worship you, hear your knock on the door of our hearts and open it to your joy and live in peace through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen.

Tuesday 21 June 2016
Evening Prayer

Psalm 119: 129 – 152

The psalmist declares a passion for the scripture and the commandments.  There is a request to learn and know them better. There too is recognition that others do not share this zeal and that leads to persecution. There is a plea to be saved from harm.

Ezekiel 1: 22 – 3: 3

Ezekiel describes the scene of his vision above the angels and that he sees an appearance of the likeness of the glory of God. He then hears God commission him to be a prophet to Israel who have rebelled, are impudent and stubborn.

James 1: 19 – 2: 7

James writes that we should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger because anger does not bring righteousness. We need to apply what we learn from scripture to our lives – caring for others is part of the mission.

Finally he challenges us to respect the poor since they too are heirs of the kingdom and are rich in faith. We are to honour them when they come to our assemblies.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Tiny bird
Sanctuary Island
Deniliquin NSW L Osburn
Holy Lord, throughout the ages you have given us two great commandments: to love you and to love each other. As we reflect on our day, help us to recognise and repent for those times when we were stubborn and celebrate those times when we slowed down, listened and respected others so that we can grow in strength and capacity to serve you better day by day through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, and the power of your Holy Spirit. Amen.

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