Monday 16 May 2016

17 May 2016


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Tuesday 17 May 2016
Morning Prayer

Psalm 40

The psalmist tells the whole congregation of how God delivered him from desolation and being stuck. He sings a new song of praise telling of God’s innumerable deeds.

God listens even when no sacrifice is offered. God wants us to fulfil the Law and do God’s will.

The psalmist asks for more aid: past sins assail him and people want to take his life, to hurt and ridicule him. He prays for those who do God’s will and repeats the request for deliverance.

1 Chronicles 13: 1 – 14: 2

David consults with all the leaders and suggests they gather all God’s people together and get the Ark of the Covenant and bring it to one place so that all can turn to God. He begins the journey home singing and dancing.

Uzzah who is one of the keepers of the Ark puts his hand on it to steady it through a rough patch and immediately dies. David is afraid. The Ark stays in the house of Obed-edom. Meanwhile David receives gifts of building materials for his house and perceives that he is indeed God’s choice for king.

Acts 2: 14 – 24

Peter stands and addresses the crowd. He uses the words of the prophet Joel (Joel 2: 28 – 32) to show that what is now occurring has been prophesied and that the behaviour they see in the disciples is the beginning of the fulfilment of that prophecy. He tells the crowd about Jesus – all his works, wonders and powers. He reminds them that Jesus was crucified and unlawfully killed is free from death and lives. Death has no power over him.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Southern Ocean meets a Continent
Great Australian Bight SA  L Osburn
Holy Lord, holy and mighty, holy and eternal, you love us in all ways and we constantly underestimate your unlimited power. Fill us with reverent awe at your power so that we may go out into the world you love with courage and the power of your Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord. Amen.

Tuesday 17 May 2016
Evening Prayer

Psalms 42 and 43

The psalmist longs for God. In deep distress his soul thirsts for God. He recalls the times in the past he has been part of the celebrations. He is in the depths of despair, oppressed by an enemy. The psalmist tells his soul to hope in God for a time of praise will come – God is our help.

Again ungodly people oppress the psalmist. God’s light and truth are requested. They will lead us back to worship, to joy and praise. The psalmist tells his soul to hope in God. A time of praise will come – God is our help.

Ruth 1

Naomi with her husband and two sons go from a famine Bethlehem to Moab. They establish themselves. Her husband dies. The sons marry and both die. Ruth hears that conditions have improved in Bethlehem and decides to return. On the journey she instructs her daughters-in-law to go to their parents’ homes. Orpah goes and Ruth refuses.

Ruth commits to stay with Naomi, to believe in God and to be one of Ruth’s nation. On return to Bethlehem Naomi changes her name to Mara in response to her bitter losses.

1 Corinthians 15: 1 – 11

Paul reminds the Corinthians that he proclaimed the good news to them; they live in that belief and are saved by their belief. He reminds them too that he was not among the original disciples but a persecutor and is a convert. He has met Jesus, the resurrected one face to face and all Paul’s hard work, is not his own doing but God’s.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Desert river bed
Stephen's Creek Broken Hill NSW  E Byford
Holy and gracious Lord you care for us no matter where we are in famine, in grief, in deep despair and no matter who we are. You cared for and reached out to Paul even while he was persecuting your church. Be with us as we reflect on how you have reached out to us today and how you have worked with us to reach out to others so that we might see your work afresh and praise and thank you through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord and your Holy Spirit. Amen.

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