Saturday 13 February 2016

14 February 2016


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Sunday 14 February 2016 
Morning Prayer 

Psalm 103

A beautiful psalm of praise blessing God with every part of our being and for every benefit we have been given especially God's eternal love. This is a luscious reverent, adoring psalm.

Galatians 3: 15 – 28

The law handed down through Moses, helps us see our mistakes and gives us a disciplined framework. It does not give us righteousness. Belief and faith in God through Christ gives us righteousness. In Christ we are now all children of God through faith (v. 26).

Paul makes it clear that once we are baptised in the spirit and we are clothed in Christ we are heirs to God’s promise to Abraham. There is no division Jew/Greek, slave/free or man/woman. We are all one in Christ Jesus.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Miniature trickling waterfall
Alpine National Park Vic L Osburn
Holy and loving God you have made us all your children baptised in your Holy Spirit and clothed in Christ. Open our eyes to see each other this way. Break open our hearts to sing your praises and your glory and to acknowledge your eternal and unfailing love by passing it on in our actions, words and prayers to every human, made like us only from dust, through the power of your Holy Spirit and the freedom won through Jesus our Lord and redeemer. Amen.

Sunday 14 February 2016
Evening Prayer

Psalm 119: 105 – 112 

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path”.
The psalmist recommits to observing God’s laws even though afflicted and feeling caught in a trap by the wicked. The psalmist asks to be taught how to be obedient in these circumstances since deep joy is found in fulfilling God’s decrees.

Genesis 37: 1 – 28

This is the beginning of the story of Joseph, son of Jacob who is favoured by his father over the other sons, who dreams dreams, is given a special coat and whose brothers conspire to kill but instead strip him and throw him into a pit.

Some of Joseph’s brothers plot to sell him to a caravan of Midianite traders who take him as a slave to Egypt.

Luke 22: 1 – 38

Passover is coming. The chief priests and scribes are looking for a way to assassinate Jesus. Satan influences Judas Iscariot to betray Jesus when there are no crowds present.

Jesus instructs the disciples on how to find and organise a room for the Passover meal.

Jesus takes his place at the table. He says he has eagerly waited to share this Passover before he suffers for he will nor be eating it until all is fulfilled. He takes the cup, gives thanks and tells them to divide it among themselves. He will not drink wine until the kingdom of God comes. He takes a loaf of bread, gives thanks, breaks it and gives it to them saying, “This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” And after supper he takes the cup saying, “This cup that is poured out for you us the new covenant in my blood.”

He talks about being betrayed and that this is indeed part of the determined path – but the betrayer will be full of woe.

The people at the meal begin to dispute: who among them is the greatest. Jesus makes it clear that unlike the Gentile rulers our greatest are to be servants. Jesus has just shown that he is the one who serves while they are at the table.

Jesus says he will confer on those who have stood by him in his trials with kingdoms, just has God has conferred a kingdom on him. They will sit and judge the tribes of Israel.

He addresses Simon (aka Peter) saying that he will be sifted like wheat and Jesus prays that Simon’s faith will stay so he can turn back and strengthen the others. Peter makes the claim that the will go with Christ to prison or death. Jesus tells him that he will deny that he knows Jesus at all, 3 times before dawn.

Jesus then asks whether they lacked anything when he sent them out with no purse, bag or sandals? They respond, “No”. He now changes that and says, if you have a purse and bag, take it and if you don’t have a sword sell your cloak for one since the scripture, “and he was counted among the lawless” must be fulfilled and is being fulfilled. The disciples report they have two swords and Jesus says, ‘It is enough”.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Wildflowers beside the mountain track
Alpine National Park  L Osburn
O God you know the plans you have for us, and you give us deep joy and a new freedom when we follow your commandments and live our lives in direct contact with Jesus. When we are challenged, feel trapped and helpless, give us the capacity to stay calm, choose selflessness, accept that things have changed and seek to serve so that we continue to fulfil your commandments and be part of your plan for the salvation of the world won through the body and blood of Jesus our friend, redeemer, saviour and Lord. Amen.

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