Monday 11 January 2016

12 January 2016


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Tuesday 12 January 2016
Morning Prayer

Psalm 33

This psalm is a great hymn of praise to God citing evidence including creation, oversight of nations, strength beyond that of people or war-horses, the steadfast love that delivers our souls from death. The psalm ends saying our souls wait for the Lord, our hearts are glad because we trust and with an appeal for God’s steadfast love to be with us.

Jeremiah 2: 1 – 19

Jeremiah, speaking to Israel reminds the people how like a bride the nation faithfully followed God through the desert and how those who attacked her were punished. But now Israel is chasing other gods and idols. Israel is challenged to look around and find any other nation that has swapped their gods. This is a detestable state of affairs. Their sins are that they have forsaken God and set up their own ineffectual gods. Israel was not originally a slave people so why would they want to go to the gods of Egypt or the gods of Assyria? Their wickedness and backsliding will punish them – when they understand how evil and bitter life is without God and without a sense of awe of God.

John 6: 41 – 59

In Capernaum a group of Jews grumble about Jesus’ proclamation of being the bread that came down from heaven – since after all isn’t he Joseph’s who they know? Jesus tells them to cease grumbling. Jesus continues, quoting the prophets saying that no one can come to Jesus unless drawn by God. Jesus quotes the prophets saying, the people have been taught by God: those who listen will come to Jesus. Jesus repeats that those who believe will have eternal life. Jesus is the bread of life – just like the ancients ate manna so not to die, we are to believe in Jesus, take Jesus “on board” so to live eternally. Jesus makes it clear that the bread is Jesus’ flesh that will be given for the life of the world.

The Jews who grumbled now argued – how could Jesus give his flesh for people to eat?

Jesus continues saying that his flesh needs to be assimilated. Moreover the blood in his veins needs to be drunk. Just as Jesus is in the Father and the father in Jesus, so we who feed on Jesus will live.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Sometimes we crash
In a storm on the top of the gum tree Lake Mulwala
(the bird is unharmed see the next photo - it went
back for more!)
L Osburn
Holy and awesome God you create us, love us, protect us and deliver us. By your grace we move from dissatisfaction and become open to the truth of Jesus. Help us this day to recognise that all of our grumbling, arguing, backsliding and questioning is evidence of how bitter our lives are without you and proof of our soul’s thirst and hunger for you so that we turn to Jesus and are fed by Him and given the living and true water that will keep us faithful and save our souls from death. Amen.

Tuesday 12 January 2016
Evening Prayer

Psalm 31

This powerful psalm is on the theme of taking refuge in God and has the words “Into your hand I commit my spirit”. The second part asks for God’s grace and the final part praises God and encourages us to love the Lord, “be strong and let your heart take courage” (v. 24).

Genesis 1: 20 – 2: 3

God continues creation with sea life, birds and land creatures. These are all good: we call this the fifth day. Then God increased the diversity of the animals, domestic and wild animals. These are good. God created humans in the image of God, like God to care for the planet and its creatures. Male and female, God created them both. God blessed the people and encouraged them to multiply and be fruitful. For food there were the seed-bearing plants and every green plant for food. These are all good: we call this the sixth day. Since the beginning of creation work was complete God rested. God blessed this the seventh day and made it holy.

Colossians 1: 9 – 20

Paul tells of his prayers that we may have knowledge of God’s will in spiritual wisdom and understanding so that we lead lives worthy of God, bear fruit and be made strong through His power so that we can endure all things with patience and joyfully give thanks. He has rescued us from the power of darkness and put us in Christ, His Son’s kingdom. Paul explains the oneness of God and Christ and this section is the beginning of our creed, the acknowledgement of God as creator of all things visible and invisible and God’s reconciliation with us through the cross.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Surfing the spirit together
In a storm on the top of the gum tree Lake Mulwala
L Osburn
O Lord when we consider creation, your special relationship with us and the responsibility you put into our hands all we can do is sing your praise. Continue your creation and development in us, keep us living lives worthy of you: bearing fruit, enduring all things well, loving you and loving each other, so that we live out our creed and bring your magnificence into focus for everyone through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord. Amen.

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