Monday 14 December 2015

15 December 2015


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Tuesday 15 December 2015 
Morning Prayer

Psalm 104: 1 – 25

Great hymn to the creator: clouds, sea, mountains, water, grass, and creatures, wine … the list goes on.  In wisdom God has made it all.

Isaiah 13: 1 – 13

Isaiah foretells the total destruction of Babylon. Only a few people will remain. The destruction is caused by sin and offences against God.

Mark 9: 33 - 50

The disciples argue about who is the greatest. Jesus tells then that the one who would be greatest is the one who serves all. He brings a child before them saying that welcoming a child in Christ’s name is welcoming Christ and welcoming God.

John reports seeing a man who is not a disciple, cast out demons in Christ’s name. Christ says to leave him be since if he is identifying with Christ he is not going to turn on him. If people do things in the name of Christ there is merit in that.

These people need nurturing like children and not to have blocks put in their way. We are to discard those parts of ourselves that would block them – even if it were our hand or foot or eye. We will all be salted with the Holy Spirit and that needs to be kept alive – full of flavour like the saltiness of salt.

Collect for Morning Prayer

High country cottage
Porepunkah Vic  L Osburn
Holy and everlasting God in your wisdom you created us. You teach us to be gentle, humble and supportive especially for those new to faith. Help us keep being true to you and gentle to all even though great cities and nations fall and there are cataclysmic changes in the earth, so that we keep your Holy Spirit alive in ourselves and nurture it in others through Jesus Christ Your Son our Lord. Amen.

Tuesday 15 December 2015
Evening Prayer

Psalm 104: 26 – 37

This part of the psalm reinforces that all things natural and man-made rely on the mercy of God for their existence and sustenance. The psalmist prays that the earth be returned to its sin free state. Bless the Lord.

Isaiah 13: 14 – 14: 2

Those who flee Babylon will be safer than those who stay. There will be no compassion even for babies.

Israel will be restored eventually in Jerusalem and those who have oppressed her will find themselves ruled by the ones who they oppressed.

Revelation 16

The angels with the bowls of wrath are ordered to pour them out. In order the plagues are: foul and painful sores for those who worship the beast, the sea turns red and all things in it die, rivers and springs turn red, the sun scorches all with fierce heat, the kingdom of the beast is thrown into darkness, the Euphrates River dries up and three frogs come out – one for the dragon, one from the beast and one from the mouth of the false prophet. Finally these three demonic spirits go to the leaders of the world, performing signs and stir them to join in a battle. The last angel pours out the bowl and the there are earthquakes, stones falling from the sky and the earth levelled. It is done.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Old pier: New rope swing
Eucla WA   L Osburn
Holy and merciful God all things and people rely on you to exist and to be sustained. Help us every day to keep our focus on you not on beasts or catastrophes or fears, so that we are always ready to assist others, support and nurture your spirit in them and maximise the love and care we have in our daily lives through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen.

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