Friday 25 September 2015

26 September 2015


Prayers developed from the daily readings 

Saturday 26 September 2015 
Morning Prayer

Psalms 65 and 70

Psalm 65 is a glorious hymn of praise to God, who forgives us, saves us, satisfies our souls and creates the world and everything in it. In particular it gives praise for the food we receive at harvest time.

Psalm 70 is a plea for help in time of urgent need. It asks for those who seek harm to be confused and turned back and those who seek God to rejoice and give praise.

1 Kings 15: 25 – 16: 7

In Israel Nadab, Jeroboam’s son becomes King in the second year of the reign of King Asa in Judah.  He too continues the worship of false deities. Baasha conspires against King Nadab and kills him when he is engage in a siege of Gibbethon. Baasha becomes king and exterminates all members of the house of Jeroboam. This fulfils the prophecy of Ahijah the Shilomite to Jeroboam’s wife.

King Baasha wars with Asa and continues the worship of false deities in Israel. The word of God comes to Jehu who prophecies that Baasha’s family line will also be destroyed. Baasha’s son Elah begins to reign in Israel. His reign lasts 2 years.

Matthew 8: 23 – 34

Jesus gets in a boat and while on the lake a storm front hits. Jesus is asleep but the disciples, afraid for their lives wake him. He tells them they have little faith – since he is with them. Gets up and tells the storm to stop. It stops. The disciples are amazed.

On the shore two people who live around the tombs and are possessed by demons recognise Christ as the Son of God and recognise his power. The demons ask to be released from the humans and put into the grazing pigs. The pigs rush down the slope and drown themselves. The herder runs to town to report the event and the townspeople beg Jesus to leave.

Collect for Morning Prayer

Denmark WA
L Osburn
 Holy and Almighty God you alone have the power and authority to forgive, save and control all nature and all spirits. In our world full of fear and doubts, people who do terrible things and carry deep, inner turmoil we put our faith and hope and trust in you. Open our hearts and minds today to focus on you and to give thanks and praise for your calming of real and inner storms and your freeing of our spirits so we can worship you alone in love, in thanks and in praise through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, and the power of your Holy Spirit. Amen.

Saturday 26 September 2015
Evening Prayer

Psalm 66

A great song of praise to God: “Make a joyful noise to God, all the earth” (v 1).  The psalmist lists the gifts of God and particularly that prayers are answered. God is a God of steadfast love.

Job 24: 18 – 25: 6

Job continues saying that the wicked and their ways are cursed. God’s timing is just and never fails.

Bildad adds that God’s is the dominion the power of heaven the innumerable armies. How can a human ever be righteous before God? How can any of us be pure? Even the sun and the moon are not bright compared to God so what hope do humans have – really we are worms.

Ephesians 6: 10 – 24

Paul advises us to put on the armour of God and to know that our enemies are not flesh and blood people. The enemies are the cosmic powers of darkness and spiritual forces of evil: not people. Our armour therefore is the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, shoes to proclaim the gospel, a shield of faith, the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit. We are to pray in the spirit at all times and pray for fellow Christians everywhere.

He ends asking for prayers for him and introducing Tychicus who will bring the letter to them and blesses the Ephesians.

Collect for Evening Prayer

Gum blossom
Denmark WA L Osburn
Holy almighty and ever-faithful God, you alone are righteousness and you are the source of all blessing and peace. Keep us mindful that we like all humans are prone to fail, that none of us is perfect and your armour protects us from the forces of evil and darkness and not from each other. Indeed you want us to connect and love each other. Help us to live in your truth, believe in your righteousness, tell your good news, have faith, know we are saved through your grace and pray to you always giving thanks and praise for your love and grace through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, and the power of your Holy Spirit. Amen.

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